Case Studies Highway Signs IoT Solution
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Highway Signs IoT Solution

Highway Signs IoT Solution -  Industrial IoT Case Study
Functional Applications - Remote Monitoring & Control Systems
Cities & Municipalities
Business Operation
Smart City Operations
We all are familiar with electronic road signs both those fixed to overpasses and those portable devices on the highway or even secondary back roads. For far too long it was costly and difficult to update the messages on these signs as it required an approved individual (Police, Department of Transportation, etc.) to update these signs. This is especially critical during safety events such as an Amber Alert - a better solution was needed.
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States of Georgia, Missouri, and the Carolinas
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States of Georgia, Missouri, and the Carolinas
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Vikon International, Inc. approached Sine-Wave with an existing custom hardware platform needing a software solution. Working with Vikon, Sine-Wave created an online sign management application leveraging the Sine-Wave Digital Nervous System. Unique to Vikon was both their custom hardware allowing for control of the signs, but also the fact that this hardware communicated over a seldom used “pager” network to keep communication costs down. Using the open nature of Sine-Wave's Platform we quickly built adapters to both the pager network and Vikon's custom hardware.

Users of this software, the Department of Transportation for example, needed to keep track of signs that were missing or stolen. The ability to update signs along a specific route was critical. Leveraging the power of the Sine-Wave Geospatial engine these features came alive via a click of a mouse on their browser based digital dashboard.
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[Cost Reduction - Operation]
Drive out the cost of having to physically update
[Efficiency Improvement - Operation]
Safety and traffic support
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