Blue Yonder Case Studies High Performance Labor Management
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High Performance Labor Management

Blue Yonder
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Warehouse Automation
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
GEODIS, a global supply chain operator, manages over 38 million square feet of warehousing in 126 facilities across North America. The company offers flexible and scalable warehousing solutions to its customers, including value-added warehousing, e-commerce and e-fulfillment, support for promotions and product launches, and reverse logistics, among others. Labor productivity is a key to success for all of GEODIS’ operations. As a result, when the company set a goal to boost productivity for its upcoming peak season (September-December), it turned to JDA and JDA’s implementation partner 4SIGHT Supply Chain Group to help update the standards in its workforce management system. The key components GEODIS needed for its labor solution included an incentive program, a labor management system (LMS), and engineered labor standards (ELS).
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GEODIS is a global supply chain operator managing more than 38 million square feet of warehousing in 126 facilities across North America. The company offers a range of warehousing solutions to its customers, including value-added warehousing, e-commerce and e-fulfillment, support for promotions and product launches, and reverse logistics, among others. Labor productivity is a key to success for all of GEODIS’ operations. The company set a goal to boost productivity for its upcoming peak season and turned to JDA and JDA’s implementation partner 4SIGHT Supply Chain Group to help update the standards in its workforce management system.
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GEODIS partnered with JDA® and 4SIGHT Supply Chain Group to build a foundation of labor standards as it prepared for performance incentives and peak demand. Given its timeline and resource challenges, GEODIS decided to partner with an external JDA WFM implementation firm, 4SIGHT Supply Chain Group, to help with the changes. This partnership enabled the company to add engineers with the correct skill sets to quickly scale the project. Professional expertise also allowed the Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST) to be used as the ELS approach for the entire network. This meant that multi-variable ELS and client-specific standards templates could be built and applied to multiple sites. The 4SIGHT configuration consultants built warehouse location maps ahead of the 4SIGHT engineers’ site arrival, and engineering work quickly began. Keys-to-Success documents were established for all measurable activity and jobs were prioritized for review based on labor hour.
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Updated over 250 engineered standards across 60 accounts in 10 months
Upgraded 15 accounts to discrete travel, multi-variable standards
Created an organization to focus on developing a culture that drives productivity
Increased supervisory presence on the floor
Held management accountable for improving performance
Coached or replaced low-to-mid performers
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