C5i Case Studies Helped a technology company streamline digital data management for over 1000 marketing campaigns
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Helped a technology company streamline digital data management for over 1000 marketing campaigns

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Sales & Marketing
Predictive Quality Analytics
Process Control & Optimization
Data Science Services
System Integration
The client, a leading global technology company, had over 1000 campaigns running each week on their website. They wanted to ensure automated campaign tracking and classification solutions. Regional stakeholders were working with individual agencies to set up campaigns and track them manually. This led to gaps with the tracking mechanism, and final reports did not portray the complete picture since the attribution quality was poor. The client wanted a consistent and clearly defined process to track campaign performance, ensuring 100% compliance with business logic prior to going live.
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The customer is a leading global technology company. They operate in the Information Technology industry and have a significant online presence, with over 1000 campaigns running each week on their website. The company works with regional stakeholders and individual agencies to set up and track these campaigns. However, this manual process has led to gaps in the tracking mechanism and poor attribution quality in final reports. The company is seeking a solution that can automate campaign tracking and classification, ensuring 100% compliance with business logic before campaigns go live.
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Blueocean Market Intelligence provided a solution by defining and documenting the intended logic for capturing campaign tracking codes in an automated fashion, along with a consistent and accurate reporting process. A platform was configured, which allowed client stakeholders to set up campaigns via a friendly interface with minimum efforts. Multiple field level validations were put in place so that the stakeholders could run and manage campaigns independently, with minimum intervention from an external IT or media agency. The solution was easily integrated with Adobe APIs and direct upload to SAINT or via FTP.
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Created a robust, user-friendly solution for client stakeholders for accurate classification and reporting
Implemented consistent campaign tracking ID’s across the globe
Reduced processing time required to generate tracking codes for newly launched campaigns.
Within the first week, approximately 500 new campaigns were tracked using the automated solution
Generated accurate reports within the first 48 hours of automation, and the removal of all legacy classification issues
Generated thousand plus tracking codes in twenty minutes as against the usual 48-36 hours of legacy process
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