Alchemy Cloud Case Studies Hauthaway's Transformation through Alchemy for Enhanced Chemistry Process Innovation
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Hauthaway's Transformation through Alchemy for Enhanced Chemistry Process Innovation

Alchemy Cloud
Life Sciences
Product Research & Development
Construction Management
Testing & Certification
Hauthaway, a company with a rich history dating back to the mid-1800s, has always been at the forefront of innovation and reinvention. Over the years, the company has evolved from manufacturing protective coatings for leather shoes to producing polyurethane polymers and compound finishing materials for various industries including automotive, biomedical, construction, maintenance, and textile. However, the company faced challenges in managing its chemistry innovation process. Weekly meetings required pulling information from four different systems, which was a time-consuming and inefficient process. Moreover, valuable past formula, test, and technical data were trapped in paper notebooks and were rarely referenced. This meant that chemists often had to start from scratch for every new project. Additionally, the onboarding process for new chemists was slow as they had to navigate through disparate systems and data sources.
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Hauthaway is a long-standing company that has been in business since the mid-1800s. The company has a culture of innovation and reinvention, helping customers overcome challenges with innovative chemistry. Over the years, Hauthaway has evolved from manufacturing protective coatings for leather shoes to producing polyurethane polymers and compound finishing materials. The company serves a wide range of industries, including automotive, biomedical, construction, maintenance, and textile. Embracing modern digital technology, Hauthaway is committed to transforming its business and providing best-in-class customer service.
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To overcome these challenges, Hauthaway embraced modern digital technology from Alchemy. Alchemy provided a unified platform where all data could be accessed, eliminating the need to pull information from multiple systems. This made the process of data retrieval for weekly meetings more efficient. Furthermore, Alchemy digitized the company's past formula, test, and technical data, making it easily searchable and accessible. This allowed chemists to leverage past data to jumpstart their new projects, saving time and resources. The platform also facilitated the onboarding process for new chemists, who could now quickly access all project, formula, and test information. Additionally, Alchemy replaced all standalone legacy systems, integrating processes and data related to CRM, ISO compliance, project management, sample management, customer complaints, and more.
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The adoption of Alchemy has significantly transformed Hauthaway's chemistry innovation process. The platform has streamlined data management, making weekly meetings more efficient and productive. It has also unlocked the potential of past data, enabling chemists to leverage this information for new projects. This has not only saved time but also fostered innovation by allowing chemists to build on past work. The onboarding process for new chemists has been expedited, enabling them to contribute more quickly. Moreover, by replacing standalone legacy systems, Alchemy has simplified processes and improved data consistency, enhancing overall operational efficiency.
Reduced time spent on data retrieval for weekly meetings by integrating all data into one platform
Increased efficiency in starting new projects by making past formula, test, and technical data easily accessible
Accelerated onboarding process for new chemists by providing all necessary information in one place
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