Software AG Case Studies GPS Tracking and IoT Go Hand in Hand with Cumulocity
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GPS Tracking and IoT Go Hand in Hand with Cumulocity

Software AG
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Device Management Platforms
Cities & Municipalities
Facility Management
Logistics & Transportation
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Track & Trace of Assets
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
System Integration
Trackerando, a startup specializing in GPS and IoT solutions, faced several challenges. The existing GPS tracking solutions lacked ease of use. The company also faced competition from telematics solutions. Additionally, there were increasingly strict data protection requirements to adhere to. Trackerando also aimed to add value with IoT communication apps. A specific case was when the city of Mainz was looking for a GPS tracking system provider to monitor its garbage compactors. The city needed a solution that included a waste-level gauge and alarm activation when bins are 75 percent full. The solution also needed to provide position tracking in the event of theft. The city wanted to avoid larger telematics providers as their systems were too complex and expensive for the city’s needs.
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Trackerando is a startup that specializes in providing customized Global Positioning System (GPS) and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for small and medium-sized companies in German-speaking countries. The company was started in 2015 by CEO Bodo Erken and has since been a leader in real-time tracking in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Trackerando's solutions are designed to be user-friendly and cost-effective, making them an ideal choice for small and medium-sized businesses that need to track their assets in real-time. The company prides itself on being able to offer customized solutions and prioritize services at a low cost. The software-as-a-service solution is typically implemented in close communication with customers, with some work taking place on-site.
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Trackerando used the Cumulocity IoT platform to address its challenges. The platform provided device management, device connectivity, rules management, and visual analytics. Trackerando was able to offer customer solutions implemented in 10 to 14 days. The company also created a geofence alarm app using Cumulocity. In the case of the city of Mainz, an alarm on the site supervisor’s and his employee’s cell phone would sound in the event a garbage compactor was stolen or moved. If needed, police could even access the system and track the object using the app. All data is stored on servers in Germany, ensuring 100 percent data protection. Trackerando was able to keep costs low, differentiating it from the big telematics providers.
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Trackerando was able to implement customer solutions in 10 to 14 days.
The company was able to provide data protection in accordance with German standards.
Trackerando was able to offer a future-proof IoT platform.
90 percent cost savings for customers.
At just €135 per GPS tracker and a monthly service fee of €7, the city is cutting costs by more than 90 percent.
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