Sphera Case Studies Government & Military Industry Excellence Award Winner: U.S. Army Red River Depot
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Government & Military Industry Excellence Award Winner: U.S. Army Red River Depot

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Functional Applications - Inventory Management Systems
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
National Security & Defense
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Track & Trace of Assets
System Integration
The Red River Army Depot (RRAD) is a large-scale production complex that serves as an ammunition depot storage site and maintenance facility for various military vehicles. Many of its storage and maintenance processes require the use of numerous chemicals or materials that generate significant quantities of waste. RRAD’s Environmental Division staff members carefully track and manage thousands of transactions involving material receipt, inventory and waste generation to assure full compliance with state, federal and U.S. Army regulations. The challenge was to manage a high volume of hazardous materials and waste in compliance with state, federal and military regulations, provide up-to-the-minute visibility into the status and location of materials & waste onsite, and identify opportunities to reduce materials inventory, thereby eliminating the need for waste disposal.
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The United States Army’s Red River Army Depot (RRAD), located in the northeast corner of Texas, is a 600,000 square foot production complex located on more than 18,000 acres of land among 1,400 buildings. It serves as an ammunition depot storage site and maintenance facility for the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, Multiple Launch Rocket System, and combat tactical wheeled vehicles. In addition, RRAD’s rubber production facilities remanufacture track shoes, track shoe components and road wheels for those vehicles. Many of its storage and maintenance processes — which include metal cleaning, painting, paint removal and electroplating — require the use of numerous chemicals or materials that generate significant quantities of waste. RRAD’s Environmental Division staff members carefully track and manage thousands of transactions involving material receipt, inventory and waste generation to assure full compliance with state, federal and U.S. Army regulations.
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The solution to RRAD's challenge was the implementation of the Hazardous Material Management System (HMMS) and its Waste Management and Material Management modules. The HMMS software, developed in partnership with the US Department of Defense (DoD) user community, allows RRAD environmental personnel to quickly and easily track their chemical inventory from pre-acquisition, receipt, labeling, and storage through usage. The HMMS Waste Management module lets Depot personnel track waste from the point of generation, through storage to disposition. The HMMS Materials Management module helps maintain up-to-the-minute status and location of chemicals as they move through RRAD’s massive manufacturing complex. The system's interoperability with the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA/DRMO) system is another factor in the Depot’s success. DLA transactions are received directly from HMMS, so the environmental team has up-to-date information on all waste related activities involving receipt, shipment and disposition of containers from their facility.
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RRAD established a stellar record with regulators for waste management conformance and reporting that the State of Texas elected not to conduct annual HW inspection at the depot in 2010 and 2011.
The HMMS system helps RRAD focus on things that are really costing the Depot money and find areas where they have high volume of waste generation.
HMMS produces costing reports associated with those volumes. RRAD can look at trends and decide their priority, saving money and reducing volume.
More than 16 years proven performance streamlining regulatory compliance.
Zero non-conformance in waste container identification/labeling and inventory management with progress starting after just one year.
RRAD waste management program is so effective that the State of Texas elected not to conduct its annual inspection in 2010 & 2011.
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