Infor Case Studies Global Investment Management Company
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Global Investment Management Company

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Finance & Insurance
Business Operation
Predictive Quality Analytics
Data Science Services
The Firm wanted to enable its 250 financial analysts with the most up-to-date information and also allow them to use Microsoft Excel, their tool of choice. Given the breadth of holdings – Equity, Fixed Income –analysts are evaluating securities, derivatives, options and any tradeable financial instrument; the data is highly complex. With global markets open around the clock, speed is a competitive requirement. The analysts had built a custom tool from Microsoft Excel that the legacy system in place, Oracle BI, wouldn’t integrate into. Any replacement system needed to have seamless integration into Excel. Market data from multiple sources requires transformations to make the data consumable for analysis. Oracle BI couldn’t perform these transformations rapidly enough for up-to-date intelligence. A replacement system needed to process millions of records rapidly.
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This Capital Markets Firm has assets under management around 1 trillion dollars. It also offers one of the oldest and highest-performing retirement funds on the market. The firm employs 250 financial analysts who are tasked with evaluating a wide range of financial instruments including securities, derivatives, and options. The analysts use a custom tool built from Microsoft Excel, which the firm's legacy system, Oracle BI, could not integrate into. The firm operates in a highly competitive environment with global markets open around the clock, necessitating rapid data processing and transformation.
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The firm adopted Birst Web Services to overcome the challenges it faced with its legacy system. Birst Web Services was able to integrate seamlessly into the analysts’ custom Excel front-end, allowing them to continue using their tool of choice without disruption. More importantly, Birst was capable of handling the rapid transformations required by the firm. It could process millions of records in a matter of hours, providing the analysts with up-to-date intelligence for their analyses. Birst's ability to aggregate and transform complex data at the speed of global markets was a key factor in its selection over Oracle BI.
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Birst Web Services integrate seamlessly into the analysts’ custom Excel front-end
Birst handles the transformations at the required speed, processing 100M records in 2 hours
Birst aggregates and transforms complex data at the speed of global markets. Oracle BI could not keep up.
Birst processes 100M records in 2 hours
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