NETSCOUT Case Studies Global Home Fashion Retailer Gains Visibility Into Mission Critical Buyer Applications and Distribution Services
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Global Home Fashion Retailer Gains Visibility Into Mission Critical Buyer Applications and Distribution Services

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Networks & Connectivity - Network Management & Analysis Software
Business Operation
Logistics & Transportation
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Remote Asset Management
Supply Chain Visibility
System Integration
Testing & Certification
The global retailer was facing challenges with network uptime and ensuring availability of mission critical applications and services. Network congestion issues and lack of bandwidth were interfering with application performance. Whenever a buying office or distribution center was down for more than an hour, millions of dollars were lost. The IT team was tasked with monitoring network uptime and ensuring availability of mission critical applications and services. However, they were essentially flying blind and had to try scattershot approaches to resolving the issues. This necessitated the formation of a war room where finger pointing created delays in resolving the issues along with further consternation.
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The customer is a global retailer specializing in discount apparel and home fashion. They offer customers a changing assortment of high-quality merchandise at discounted prices. With nearly four thousand stores spanning nine countries on three continents, generating in excess of $30 billion in annual revenues, this is a globally distributed business. For this home fashion retailer, always-on communication between stores, distribution centers, buying offices, and datacenters, was absolutely crucial for ensuring that the right goods make it to the stores in a timely fashion.
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The retailer implemented the nGeniusONE Service Assurance Platform with Adaptive Service Intelligence™ (ASI) technology. The IT team instrumented its datacenters, distribution centers, and buying offices with InfiniStream appliances, the newest software-based InfiniStreamNG™ appliance, and nGenius Packet Flow Switches, so they can monitor network uptime and availability and quickly pinpoint congestion issues between the stores and distribution centers. nGeniusONE dashboards and grid were deployed to investigate issues both reactively and proactively. New dashboards are built ad hoc as problems arise. In addition, an OptiViewXG handheld network analysis tablet was deployed to troubleshoot Wi-Fi connectivity issues at critical board of directors meetings.
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Significant time and money saved by finding and fixing problems faster
Minimized downtime saves the business millions of dollars in revenue
IT staff more effective with end-to-end visibility into the performance of environment
Minimized downtime saves the business millions of dollars in revenue
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