Infor Case Studies Global Energy Management Company
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Global Energy Management Company

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Business Operation
Predictive Quality Analytics
Remote Asset Management
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
As the business units of the Global Energy Management Company grew, they became frustrated with reporting latency while waiting on central IT and Oracle BI. In response, they deployed desktop discovery solutions for self-service analytics. However, these analytic silos created a rift between business and IT. The Company saw an opportunity to modernize BI, heal the rift with the business units by delivering true self-service, and leapfrog competition in a commodities market. The technical challenges included a rapid go-live requirement in a highly-complex environment against 200+ data sources, a global M&A agenda that would drive further data complexity, and requirements for true self-service with centralized governance.
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The Global Energy Management Company operates in more than 100 countries and offers integrated energy solutions, including solar storage solutions, industrial automation and control, grid automation and residential solutions. As the company grew through mergers and acquisitions, data became siloed across more than 200 disparate systems. The business units wanted self-service and had deployed desktop solutions, but IT had no control over the data silos that resulted.
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The Company chose Birst, a cloud-architected BI platform, to modernize their BI. This platform allowed the Company to go live quickly, add new data sources, stand-up acquired businesses, and maintain consistent data – something Oracle BI could not do without tremendous latency. Birst delivers agility with governance to fit both business and IT requirements that Oracle BI failed to deliver. The implementation of Birst was completed in less than 2 months.
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Birst is bridging the gap between Business and IT, while delivering analytics across the enterprise – from purchasing to price optimization.
The Company is now able to add new data sources, stand-up acquired businesses, and maintain consistent data quickly and efficiently.
Live in less than 2 months
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