Gong Case Studies GLASSES ON! How Gong enables Drip to 'see what's going on' and close more deals
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GLASSES ON! How Gong enables Drip to 'see what's going on' and close more deals

Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Sales & Marketing
Predictive Quality Analytics
Data Science Services
Before implementing Gong, Drip was struggling with forecast accuracy and understanding the health of their deals. They relied on anecdotes and opinions from its sales team to try to piece together what was truly happening in a deal. This led to spotty CRM data and overall forecast accuracy was a shot in the dark. It was not uncommon for the sales team to be blindsided by slipped or lost deals. They needed a solution that could provide a holistic view of what’s going on in their deals, allowing them to separate opinions from reality.
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Drip is the first ECRM–an ecommerce CRM designed for building personal and profitable relationships with customers at scale. The company is headquartered in Minneapolis, MN and was founded in 2012. Drip has a company size of around 100 employees and operates in the Ecommerce Technology industry. The company was facing challenges in improving forecast accuracy and understanding which deals were healthy and which ones were at risk of stalling.
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Drip implemented Gong, a Deal Intelligence solution that provides a holistic view of what’s going on in their deals. Gong allows Drip to 'see the moves' as they are happening, guiding the narrative over the life of the deal. This includes not just sales calls, but also emails. Gong lets Drip drill down to a specific deal to see all interactions with every individual in that account - across calls, web conferences, and email - in one place. Gong also enables Drip to replicate the strategies of their top closers, allowing new reps to learn from the best. Gong fits nicely into the Drip corporate culture of transparency, making all sales conversations available to everyone on the team.
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Gong has given Drip a more holistic view of what’s going on in their deals.
Gong has given managers the ability to be proactive and step in at the right time to better coach their reps.
Gong enables Drip to replicate the strategies of their top closers, allowing new reps to learn from the best.
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