Case Studies Getting tough on cybercrime while lightening IT budget and workload
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Getting tough on cybercrime while lightening IT budget and workload

Cybersecurity & Privacy - Malware Protection
Cybersecurity & Privacy - Network Security
Cybersecurity & Privacy - Security Compliance
Business Operation
Intrusion Detection Systems
Perimeter Security & Access Control
Remote Asset Management
Cybersecurity Services
System Integration
Stevens Aviation, a premier US aviation services company, faced significant cybersecurity challenges. Their mission-critical systems required robust protection from cybercriminals, but their small IT staff lacked the resources to focus on cybersecurity. Additionally, they needed an affordable solution to secure hundreds of workers across multiple locations. The evolving nature of cyber attacks, where hackers remain hidden within networks to steal assets or cause damage over time, made it clear that detection was just as important as prevention. Detecting breaches that bypass perimeter defense systems required diligent forensic analysis, which was a tedious and daily task.
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Stevens Aviation is recognized as the nation's premier aviation services company. Founded in 1950 as the flight department for JP Stevens Co., the company has expanded its operations across the United States. They provide heavy aircraft maintenance, upgrade, completion, and modification services, as well as new and used aircraft sales. The aviation industry involves many mission-critical systems, and as more business and communications are conducted over the Internet, Stevens Aviation recognized the need for a vigilant cybersecurity strategy. The company is aware of the high stakes, as 60% of small businesses close after a cybersecurity breach, according to the National Cybersecurity Alliance.
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Stevens Aviation selected the AWN CyberSOC service from Arctic Wolf Networks after evaluating several options, including hardware-based solutions, custom intrusion detection systems, and traditional managed security services (MSS). The product-based solutions required the IT team to maintain and tune the system, which was not feasible given their small staff. Traditional MSS options were geared towards large enterprises and were too expensive. AWN CyberSOC offered all the necessary functionality at a reasonable price and was easy to deploy, providing data-driven insights within hours. An Arctic Wolf Security Engineer was assigned to Stevens Aviation, providing expert monitoring and advice. The service has proven its value multiple times, such as detecting a phishing attack and resolving a dispute with a website hosting provider.
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Stevens Aviation gained SOC capabilities for less than the cost of a full-time security engineer.
The company now has a comprehensive layer of security that catches vulnerabilities missed by other systems.
They receive expert cybersecurity monitoring and advice, enhancing their overall security posture.
The services provided by Arctic Wolf Networks are equivalent to the full-time work of at least two people.
The AWN CyberSOC service only took about 10 minutes to deploy and began delivering insights within hours.
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