Case Studies Fully Automated High-Throughput Host Cell Protein Analysis of Highly Diverse Samples
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Fully Automated High-Throughput Host Cell Protein Analysis of Highly Diverse Samples

Analytics & Modeling - Big Data Analytics
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Life Sciences
Product Research & Development
Quality Assurance
Predictive Quality Analytics
Root Cause Analysis & Diagnosis
Data Science Services
System Integration
Novozymes, a world leader in biological solutions, uses bacterial and fungal hosts to manufacture bulk enzymes for a variety of industries. Host cell proteins (HCPs) are a major source of contamination that can adversely affect product stability and performance. The company needed to automate and streamline each stage of their LC-MS approach to keep pace with the large number of samples that their lab is required to analyze. Implementing robotic sample preparation, a shortened HPLC separation step, and high-speed MS acquisition increased sample throughput but generated large amounts of complex data requiring time-consuming analysis and review. The company also needed a fast and efficient way to ingest results into their corporate data lake and provide fast and efficient ways to share relevant information to key stakeholders and decision makers.
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Novozymes is the world leader in biological solutions. The company uses bacterial and fungal hosts to manufacture bulk enzymes for a variety of industries. As with all recombinant protein manufacturing processes, host cell proteins (HCPs) are a major source of contamination that can adversely affect product stability and performance. The company has been a customer since 2015 and is based in Lyngby, Denmark. Novozymes works with customers, partners, and the global community to improve industrial performance while preserving the planet’s resources and helping to build better lives.
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Novozymes worked with Genedata’s scientific experts to configure and implement a tailored but highly flexible workflow, while technical consultants facilitated the integration of Genedata Expressionist enterprise software into their corporate data management infrastructure. This combination ultimately delivered a fully automated, truly high-throughput (HT) HCP analysis solution that can handle a wide range of sample types and sources. The implemented solution transfers experimental raw data to a centralized data storage server where Genedata Expressionist performs key steps such as noise reduction, smoothing, and intensity thresholding. This preprocessing step preserves all relevant signals while enabling a five- to tenfold compression of data volume; greatly mitigating strain on their IT infrastructure and accelerating downstream analysis. The subsequent dedicated proteomics-based HCP analysis workflow is designed and optimized for the specific experimental protocol—including the high duty-cycle Bruker timsTOF MS instrumentation—and configured to work continuously without human intervention.
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Automating HCP analysis data processing using Genedata Expressionist enables Novozymes to obtain results in less than a day, compared to almost a week using their previous method.
Despite increasing sample numbers, 24/7 MS data processing effectively boosted the overall duty cycle of their lab and allowed them to maintain HCP analysis turnaround times without increasing their headcount.
Using a single-software platform for MS data processing eliminates the maintenance and training costs associated with the multiple software packages required for their previous method.
The solution delivered a five-fold increase in throughput compared to their previous method.
The solution enabled a five- to tenfold compression of data volume.
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