Case Studies From Sin City to Smart City: How Las Vegas Configured its Cloud-Born Platform with Future-Ready Parking Solutions
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From Sin City to Smart City: How Las Vegas Configured its Cloud-Born Platform with Future-Ready Parking Solutions

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Networks & Connectivity - Bluetooth
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
Cities & Municipalities
Facility Management
Logistics & Transportation
Building Automation & Control
Fleet Management
Predictive Maintenance
Smart City Operations
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Las Vegas needed a future-ready partner who could innovate alongside the Smart City and help it avoid traditional obsolescence issues. FlashParking immediately began bringing Brandy’s vision for smart parking to life by deploying 21st Century Parking technology in garages across the city. Nearly overnight these facilities could offer electronic validations, Bluetooth touchless access, over-the-air system updates. Not to mention widespread integrations -- from eParking reservations to two-way video support – available through the FlashParking platform. FlashParking was able to repeatedly integrate previously disconnected, disjointed systems to streamline processes and enhance the end-to-end parking experience for guests. An increase in rideshare traffic was intensifying traffic congestion in the urban core. With close to 23 million visitors a year, the city of Las Vegas was looking for a way to ease curbside congestion and ensure safe and convenient transportation availability. To solve the issue, innovation within the city’s existing transportation ecosystem was critical.
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The City of Las Vegas is a bustling urban center known for its vibrant entertainment scene, attracting nearly 23 million visitors annually. The city is committed to staying at the forefront of new technologies, particularly in its efforts to transform into a Smart City. Brandy Stanley, the city's Parking Services Manager, spearheads initiatives to integrate advanced technologies into the city's infrastructure. The city’s parking facilities, including municipal garages and surface lots, play a crucial role in managing the influx of visitors and ensuring smooth transportation. With nearly 500 events a year requiring parking services, Las Vegas needed a reliable, future-ready partner to help manage its parking assets efficiently and enhance the overall visitor experience.
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Leveraging the FlashParking platform’s open-API architecture, the city worked with a popular rideshare company and FlashParking to create a rideshare staging area at two city-owned garages. The rideshare integration with FlashParking’s system allowed drivers to easily access the garages via Bluetooth or a digital barcode in FlashParking's mobile app to wait for a ride, use a bathroom, or grab a meal from a food truck off of the city’s busy streets. The city also utilized FlashParking’s integration with Parker Technology, a two-way video intercom system, to support the driver experience by providing highly personalized service at the gates. Las Vegas is an event-heavy city and needed a parking system that was configured to the customers they serve. With nearly 500 events a year that require the services of garages and parking lots, having a reliable system in place to ensure a simple, seamless customer experience was essential. Mobile-first, Bluetooth-enabled hardware provides easy entry and exit, while over-the-air updates allow the parking assets to be updated and configured remotely, like resolving an issue with a pay station. As a result, these garages are self-maintained, PCI compliant, and deliver a frictionless experience, allowing the city to be more flexible with asset use without losing control of the revenue stream.
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FlashParking was able to configure the platform to offer technology-forward solutions that added to the seamless parking experience the city was cultivating.
The integration of rideshare staging areas helped ease curbside congestion and provided safe, convenient transportation options.
The use of Bluetooth-enabled hardware and over-the-air updates allowed for easy entry and exit, as well as remote issue resolution.
5 municipal garages and 8 surface lots were integrated with the FlashParking system.
Nearly 500 events a year require the services of garages and parking lots in Las Vegas.
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