IBM Case Studies Fredericia Kommune dramatically boosts efficiency With IBM Global Business Services® and Nuance SpeechMagic
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Fredericia Kommune dramatically boosts efficiency With IBM Global Business Services® and Nuance SpeechMagic

Analytics & Modeling - Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Cities & Municipalities
Business Operation
Speech Recognition
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Fredericia Kommune, a Danish municipality, was seeking ways to improve efficiency and maintain a high level of service to its citizens. The organization found that its employees were spending a significant amount of time managing paperwork, which detracted from more productive tasks. Additionally, with several key employees nearing retirement age, the municipality needed to ensure it was well-prepared for the future. Fredericia Kommune set a target of increasing productivity of the time spent recording data by 45 percent. A speech recognition tool that could convert dictated words into typed words presented an ideal solution to help achieve this.
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The city and municipality of Fredericia (Fredericia Kommune) are located on the eastern coast of the Jutland peninsula in the Region of Southern Denmark. The municipality covers an area of 134 square kilometers and has a total population of over 48,000 people. The municipality’s 4,500 employees help provide a range of services to citizens, including support for care of children and the elderly, recycling programs and libraries. Fredericia Kommune is committed to offering the best possible service to its citizens and is constantly seeking ways to boost efficiency.
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Fredericia Kommune partnered with IBM Global Business Services to deploy Nuance SpeechMagic, a robust, multi-user, multi-network speech recognition platform. The solution met Fredericia Kommune’s three main requirements: performance, reliability, and an attractive price point. It incorporates professional speech recognition vocabularies, advanced learning algorithms, and state-of-the-art technology to deliver exceptional performance out of the box. IBM Global Business Services developed and presented Fredericia Kommune with a comprehensive project plan, including all details on the installation and specific configurations required by the municipality. All deadlines were met and close cooperation between the IBM team and the municipality’s staff ensured that users were able to use the solution to its full potential within a very short timeframe.
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Fredericia Kommune has seen a significant increase in efficiency and productivity since deploying Nuance SpeechMagic. For example, journal notes that took on average 30 minutes to type up could be completed in just five minutes – an 83 percent reduction. Similarly, 40-page resource profiles that previously took eight hours to put together could now be compiled in approximately two hours, or 75 percent less time.
The solution has also improved employee satisfaction. A preliminary staff survey revealed that 52 percent say the solution has improved the workplace environment while 39 percent think it has enhanced the quality of the municipality’s work.
By enabling employees to work more efficiently and handle more cases per day, waiting times for citizens have decreased, translating into a quicker service.
Productivity of time spent recording data increased by 45 percent.
Journal notes completion time reduced by 83 percent.
Resource profiles compilation time reduced by 75 percent.
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