ScreenSteps Case Studies Fortune-500 Contact Center Achieves 90% Service Levels With New Operation Launched in 120 Days
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Fortune-500 Contact Center Achieves 90% Service Levels With New Operation Launched in 120 Days

Sensors - Autonomous Driving Sensors
Healthcare & Hospitals
Time Sensitive Networking
Virtual Training
Baxter Healthcare, a Fortune-500 contact center, was faced with the daunting task of launching a new operation in 120 days. The company had recently acquired a new call center and decided to move the contact center to nearshore (Mexico) from offshore (India). The director was tasked with launching the contact center in Mexico within the stipulated deadline. The challenges were manifold. They had to hire and train all new agents and trainers, a total of 30 personnel. The operations director and his team had no prior experience with the product or the company they had just acquired. The existing documentation was completely out of date. Everything was new and they had a short four-month window to get a call center up and running for the new product. Moreover, all the training had to be done remotely.
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Baxter Healthcare is a Fortune-500 contact center that assists patients and nurses who use its medical devices. The remote contact center is available 24/7 and supports professionals in vulnerable scenarios as they troubleshoot life-saving medical equipment. Baxter recently acquired a new call center and decided to move the contact center to nearshore (Mexico) from offshore (India). The company was faced with the challenge of launching the new operation in 120 days, hiring and training all new agents and trainers, and updating out-of-date documentation.
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The director, having prior experience with the Find & Follow methodology and the ScreenSteps team, decided to bring them in from the beginning. Since the director had used ScreenSteps in other contact center departments prior to this acquisition, he required that they have ScreenSteps for this project. The organization fully engaged the ScreenSteps team to build the new training program. The hiring happened in three waves. The first wave was trained over Zoom in a traditional, lecture-based format. The ScreenSteps team recorded the sessions and built out foundational courses and digital guides from the training content. This content was stored in their ScreenSteps knowledge base, which Baxter calls “The Brain.” By the time it was to train wave two, the contact center had The Brain up and running and had fully implemented the Find & Follow Training Framework. By the third wave of training, the call center had cut training time down to two weeks, a whole month shorter than the initial training.
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Baxter Healthcare successfully met the accelerated timeline to launch the new contact center in 120 days. They trained all 30 agents remotely and they were taking live calls by the deadline. Beyond achieving a seemingly impossible deadline, Baxter started seeing impressive performance results within a month of going live. The company was able to achieve high service levels, low call times, and low abandon rates. The training time was also significantly reduced from six weeks to two weeks. The successful launch and impressive performance metrics demonstrate the effectiveness of the ScreenSteps team and the Find & Follow Training Framework.
Achieved 90%+ service levels
Call times were less than 7 minutes
Abandon rates were less than 2%
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