Neo4j Case Studies Fortune 200 IT Services Company Boosts Customer Engagement with Real-Time Matching of Capabilities to Client Needs
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Fortune 200 IT Services Company Boosts Customer Engagement with Real-Time Matching of Capabilities to Client Needs

Fortune 200 IT Services Company Boosts Customer Engagement with Real-Time Matching of Capabilities to Client Needs - Neo4j Industrial IoT Case Study
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Blockchain
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Visualization
Electrical Grids
Logistics & Transportation
Sales & Marketing
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Virtual Reality
The Fortune 200 IT Services Company, a global organization with 130,000 employees across 80 countries, was seeking new ways to differentiate its services in a crowded market. The company had an extensive back catalog of digital transformation projects, but had limited visibility of what they had delivered before. They wanted to exploit these projects more readily to win business. The challenge was to map and match their capabilities to what they were hearing from the client, and what the clients were saying in their strategy papers and company reports. They aimed to present the ideal recommendation and create the most effective transformation roadmap in real time, during client meetings.
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The Fortune 200 IT Services Company is a global organization that helps organizations digitally transform their operations and processes, including customer engagement and solution road-mapping. The company, which spans 80 countries and all vertical markets, has its roots in IT outsourcing, but today provides complete technology-driven business solutions. The company prides itself on delivering a tangible, measurable impact for clients through digital transformation. It has an impressive back catalog of existing digital transformation projects, which it wanted to be able to exploit more readily to win business.
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The company turned to Neo4j graph technology to build a multi-dimensional model of all previous client solutions and accurately map client requirements to its extensive capabilities in real time. This technology allowed them to cross-analyze and match their credentials to new clients’ needs in real time. It also enabled them to drill down into existing solutions, to identify the building blocks for new projects, which would help accelerate delivery. After considering alternative options, including creating data visualizations on top of a traditional relational database, the company decided that only Neo4j had the power, capacity and scale to represent the millions of data relationships they wanted to model and cross-analyze. The resulting ‘Digital Explorer’ platform lets sales teams generate customized recommendations on demand, and accelerate solutions delivery.
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The Digital Explorer initiative has transformed the way account teams propose, plan and coordinate new client digital transformation solutions. The platform has become a vital tool for the company, providing on-demand insights to direct investment and strategic planning. It has also been adopted by the HR department to model and plan for future skills requirements, based on analyses of all client projects. The platform has become so advanced and the recommendations so well targeted that it could potentially do away with client requests-for-proposal (RFPs) altogether. As one global head of sales put it, “One day, we’ll all look back and wonder how we ever managed to engage with clients without this.”
The Digital Explorer platform led to a multi-million-dollar increase in revenue.
The multi-dimensional data model represents more than 1 million data relationships, spanning half a million data nodes.
The platform is now a 2.5-year-old global business staple at the IT company.
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