Bubble Group Case Studies Follow the Weather: A No-Code Solution for Holiday Planning
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Follow the Weather: A No-Code Solution for Holiday Planning

Bubble Group
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Building Automation & Control
Time Sensitive Networking
Testing & Certification
The founder of Follow the Weather, Chris Whitehead, identified a gap in the market for a tool that allows users to search for holiday destinations based on weather conditions. With the COVID-19 pandemic causing many people to take holidays at unusual times of the year, there was a need for a simple, user-friendly tool that could provide information on where it would be sunny and hot during different months. The challenge was to create this tool without investing too much time and without the need for extensive coding skills.
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The primary customers of Follow the Weather are individuals planning holidays who want to find destinations with specific weather conditions during certain months. These users may be planning holidays at unusual times of the year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and are frustrated by the lack of easy-to-access information on where it will be sunny and hot during these times. The app is designed to be simple and user-friendly, making it accessible to a wide range of users, regardless of their technical skills or knowledge.
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Whitehead chose to use Bubble, a no-code platform, to build the Follow the Weather web app. This platform allowed him to quickly prototype and test the product with users. The app works by allowing users to select which continents they are open to visiting and the month they would like to go. They can then adjust sliders according to their weather preferences, and locations that meet their criteria are marked on a map, with a list of cities appearing next to or below the map. The app was built in just two days, with an additional two weeks spent gathering the necessary data.
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The Follow the Weather app has been successful in providing a solution to a common problem faced by holiday planners. By using the Bubble no-code platform, Whitehead was able to quickly and efficiently build a user-friendly tool that meets the needs of its users. The app's launch on Hacker News generated significant traffic, demonstrating its popularity and the demand for this type of tool. Whitehead plans to continue developing the app by integrating Skyscanner, which will allow users to quickly see the cost of flights to each destination.
The app was built in just two days, demonstrating the speed and efficiency of the Bubble no-code platform.
An additional two weeks were spent gathering the necessary data, showing the thoroughness of the app's development.
The app generated a significant amount of traffic when it was launched on Hacker News, a forum run by Y Combinator.
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