Incorta Case Studies Flexible Integrations Boost SeaLink's Performance with Incorta
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Flexible Integrations Boost SeaLink's Performance with Incorta

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Middleware, SDKs & Libraries
Equipment & Machinery
Finance & Insurance
Product Research & Development
Inventory Management
Time Sensitive Networking
System Integration
SeaLink, a company with 24 brands in its portfolio, was struggling with slow and inefficient data analysis and reporting due to outdated tools and a lack of support. The company relied heavily on accurate analysis and reporting to set prices for its various products. However, with numerous products and data sources, the process was slow, with one monthly report taking over 100 hours to compile. The company was using a legacy Business Intelligence (BI) system that was nearing its end of life and showing signs of failure. With no support available, the company was exposed to significant risk. Users found the tool difficult to use, making them dependent on IT for tasks. Analysts also lacked control over its configuration, making it even more challenging to implement logic.
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SeaLink is a travel industry company with a size of 5,001-10,000 employees. The company has 24 brands in its portfolio and relies heavily on accurate analysis and reporting to set prices for its various products. The company was previously using a legacy BI system that was nearing its end of life and was showing signs of failure. The company was exposed to significant risk due to the lack of support for the system. The users found the tool difficult to use, making them dependent on IT for tasks. The analysts also lacked control over its configuration, making it even more challenging to implement logic.
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SeaLink partnered with software design and development specialists Kanerika for its Incorta implementation. The new solution provided 100 business users with access to on-demand data, with sub-second drill-down across billions of records. Incorta’s built-in logic made enriched data sets available through the SQL interface to analytical engines, reducing development time. The output was displayed in a user-friendly and intuitive manner. SeaLink used this data to develop a dynamic pricing model that adapted fares according to key factors, including time of day/week/month and competitor activity. The ability to rapidly develop logic made reports meaningful and accessible, enabling senior decision-makers to view overall performance trends and make strategic decisions quickly and easily. The speed and efficiency of integration saved the company significant time and money. Kanerika worked with real-time streams of internal SeaLink data, as well as third-party data to enable a holistic view of the business that supports daily functional management and executive decision-making.
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The implementation of Incorta has brought about significant operational improvements for SeaLink. The intuitive user experience means that 100 users can now produce self-service reports easily, enabling more strategic decisions. No technical skills are needed to generate reports or understand complex data, making it accessible to users at any level of the organization. Dynamic product classification and pricing are now possible, with Incorta putting demand data at the fingertips of operations and management teams. Cost and budget allocation can now be done simply, driving greater operational efficiency across the board. Multiple analytics projects are in the works which would not have been possible without Incorta as the backbone for SeaLink data.
18% revenue increase on one product
$500K saved in implementation costs
3 months to integrate and consolidate four separate accounting and finance systems
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