Case Studies Fisk’s Beauty Secret for Increasing Inventory Accuracy
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Fisk’s Beauty Secret for Increasing Inventory Accuracy

Functional Applications - Inventory Management Systems
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Networks & Connectivity - RFID
Consumer Goods
Logistics & Transportation
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Visibility
Warehouse Automation
System Integration
Fisk Industries faced significant challenges with inventory accuracy, which was crucial for efficiently picking orders and avoiding stock-outs. Their existing warehouse management system (WMS) was cumbersome and only boosted inventory accuracy to 85%. The system lacked real-time integration with NetSuite, requiring manual updates and oversight. This led to inefficiencies, stock-outs, and the inability to fulfill purchase orders promptly. Bruce Meyer, COO at Fisk, recognized the need for a more robust and user-friendly barcoding solution to improve inventory accuracy and order fulfillment efficiency.
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Fisk Industries is a manufacturer and distributor of personal care and beauty products, supplying both retail and consumer markets. With thousands of SKUs, inventory accuracy is critical for the company to pick orders efficiently and correctly. Fisk's mission is to deliver high-quality, creative products with speed to market. The company has been a NetSuite customer since 2008, leveraging the platform to improve inventory accuracy and meet customer demands. Fisk's commitment to innovation and efficiency drives its continuous search for better solutions to enhance its operations.
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Fisk Industries implemented a three-step plan to move to a cloud-based operation. The first step involved overhauling their warehouse management system. Although they initially implemented NetSuite, they found it necessary to integrate a more robust barcoding solution. After comparing leading solutions, Fisk chose RF-SMART for its seamless integration with NetSuite and its Built-for-NetSuite certification. RF-SMART provided real-time inventory management, allowing Fisk to track product locations and pick orders efficiently. The solution's flexibility enabled Fisk to run their warehouse according to their specific needs, rather than being constrained by system-enforced rules. The implementation of RF-SMART was quick and straightforward, taking only one afternoon compared to the four months required for their previous system.
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RF-SMART enabled real-time picking, which updated order statuses from pending fulfillment to picked, allowing Fisk to know the status of all orders at any given time.
The solution improved order fulfillment times from five days to same-day fulfillment, significantly enhancing customer satisfaction.
On-the-fly cycle counts and bin management brought increased efficiency, allowing Fisk to move products between bins for replenishment and save time.
Improved inventory accuracy from 85% to 98%.
Reduced order fulfillment time from five days to same-day fulfillment.
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