Case Studies Fireflies Boosts Moment Sales' Clients Learning Retention
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Fireflies Boosts Moment Sales' Clients Learning Retention
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Moment Sales, a sales agency for founders and founding teams, was facing a challenge with their client's coaching retention. The agency's coaching model is designed to maximize learning by having clients be completely present and in the moment during pipeline reviews. However, clients were worried they wouldn't retain the insights they were having during these reviews and thus asked them to slow down and repeat often. This was causing an issue in their service quality. Additionally, the founder of Moment Sales, Walter Roth, was planning to write a sales book and needed to capture great content that naturally arises during these coaching sessions. He was initially using Voicea for this purpose, but after Cisco bought it, he had to archive all his data in a drive, which was an extra process that he had to go through. He also found Voicea confusing in terms of sharing and who he was sharing with.

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Moment Sales is a sales agency for founders and founding teams. The founder and head sales coach is Walter Roth. They work with founders, sales teams and investors of tech companies to help solve sales and scaling sales problems and achieve better alignment across Sales, Marketing and Product Management teams. They don't focus on sales training or time-intensive sales consultancy projects. Instead, they focus on immediate results by delivering the coaching in a pipeline review format that unlocks a team's sales capability. Their specialty is turning non-sales founders (e.g., tech founders) into sales founders using their scientific approach to sales.

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The solution came in the form of Fireflies, an AI tool that attends each meeting and provides transcriptions. This not only addressed the retention problem but also the 'follow up integrity' problem. Clients could review what was learned to make it stick, and they also had a record of example emails and phrases that were shared with them during the discussion. This meant that their follow up on deals was sharper and there wasn't value leakage that is common when you have long pipeline reviews and several deals discussed quickly one after the other. Additionally, as sales problems were identified and solved, Walter also identified Marketing and Product Management problems. Having recordings and transcription allowed him to share, with Marketing and Product Management teams, actual deal data that can inform their process in better supporting the sales team.

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The implementation of Fireflies has resulted in clients being calmer during sessions as they know they'll have access to the recording and notes. This has improved the quality of the coaching sessions as clients can now focus on the content rather than worrying about retention. Clients also have better followup as they can refer to specific ideas/phrases that Walter helped them with while discussing specific deals. Additionally, Walter has found the transcriptions to be a valuable resource for his book writing process. When he sits down to write his book and nothing comes to mind, he now reviews transcripts and has a rush of ideas and content that makes the writing process fun, enjoyable and fruitful.

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