Juniper Networks Case Studies Financial Service Provider Enhances Security with Adaptive Detection Fabric
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Financial Service Provider Enhances Security with Adaptive Detection Fabric

Juniper Networks
Analytics & Modeling - Machine Learning
Cybersecurity & Privacy - Intrusion Detection
National Security & Defense
Counterfeit Product Identification
Tamper Detection
Cybersecurity Services
The customer, a successful financial services company, was aware of the potential risks associated with their use of innovative technology. They understood that they could be a high-value target for cybercriminals and that even a minor breach could lead to the loss of financial data of thousands of clients, damaging their reputation and business performance. To protect their online financial services, intellectual property, and client financial and banking information, they decided to strengthen their network defense by adding a detection layer focused on stopping advanced threats. This new layer was intended to prepare them to stop attackers from causing serious damage to their company.
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The customer is a successful financial services company that uses innovative technology to change the way consumers and businesses obtain credit. Since their inception, they have facilitated billions of dollars of loans. The customer has received considerable recognition from the financial services industry for their focus on providing a unique way of lending that results in a delightful customer experience. They are committed to protecting their online financial services, intellectual property, and client financial and banking information from potential cyber threats.
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The customer's requirements for a solution included the ability to prioritize risk on already compromised systems, detect never-before-seen malware, respond to threats rapidly, and provide financial benefits by lowering overall capital and operational expenses. They chose to deploy Cyphort’s Adaptive Detection Fabric (ADF) solution, a distributed software security layer that stops threats undetectable by traditional in-line security tools. ADF provides continuous insight and analysis of Web, email, and lateral spread traffic to discover and prioritize advanced threats early in their life cycle. This process reduces the time from detection to remediation and enables ADF to provide auto-mitigation capabilities that strengthen existing in-line security tools against similar threats in the future. ADF also delivers significant economic value with a cost-effective deployment model, as well as cost savings resulting from fewer breaches and faster incident response time.
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The Adaptive Detection Fabric met the customer's requirements and demonstrated its malware detection efficacy. The practical aspects of deployment and pricing became the main deciding factors. The customer evaluated the detection capabilities of all contenders side by side for an extended period, and SmartCore came out ahead or equal in its threat detection capabilities. The software delivery and deployment as a VM was very attractive to the customer, and SmartCore could scale up and down based on volume. ADF reduced the cost of ownership for this customer by not only reducing the capital expenditure on solution procurement but also reduced the operational spending on monitoring and incident response. SmartCore provides rich contextual information and risk prioritization for each detected threat with clear steps for mitigation. This greatly simplified the life of IT staff involved in security response and allowed them to enhance their security posture without adding staff.
Reduced the time from detection to remediation of threats
Provided auto-mitigation capabilities that strengthen existing in-line security tools against similar threats in the future
Delivered significant economic value with a cost-effective deployment model
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