NETSCOUT Case Studies Financial Service Company Makes OnLine Customer Experience a Priority
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Financial Service Company Makes OnLine Customer Experience a Priority

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Finance & Insurance
Business Operation
Predictive Maintenance
Predictive Quality Analytics
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
System Integration
Testing & Certification
The financial services company lacked comprehensive visibility into network and application performance in the data center, at their multiple branch offices and third-party affiliate locations, as well as to their cloud-based services. This limited their ability to investigate complex, ongoing problems. They also wanted to get ahead of issues to avoid customer impact. The IT team wanted end-to-end visibility into their wire data so that they could baseline and historically trend data to understand normal application performance, as well as proactively detect degradations in network, voice, and application performance. Specific areas of concern were external SaaS tools for Customer Resource Management, such as Salesforce, which they rely on for critical business operations, and VoIP services that are used for internal and external communication. Additionally, they had a custom application that was critical to the business, which ran in a Citrix environment. It was of great importance to be able to understand the performance and availability of the custom application, the Citrix service, and their underlying dependencies at all times.
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The customer is a U.S. based Financial Service Company that offers a broad set of leasing and financing options for vehicles and home loans, as well as a variety of savings and CD accounts, wealth management and brokerage services among its many banking services. With thousands of employees and several million customers served either directly or via third party affiliates, this business never sleeps. The very definition of digital transformation, this company is ‘banking’ on technology innovations to offer unique, customer-driven internet banking, 365 days a year, that reward customers with top-notch user-experience. As IT underwent a significant expansion to keep up with growth, they found themselves in need of expanded visibility into their network, voice, and application environments, beyond what their current tools could provide.
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The financial services IT team turned to NETSCOUT® to solve its network and application visibility challenges. The nGeniusONE Service Assurance platform and InfiniStreamNG appliances, which transforms wire data into Smart Data for proactive detection and troubleshooting, were deployed to provide end-to-end visibility into the bank’s critical applications and services. The nGeniusONE server with customized dashboards and reports provides quick visibility and contextual drilldown into the bank’s important applications and services such as Voice, Web Services, Citrix services, custom applications, and even critical service enablers such as DNS and DHCP. Access to the system was granted to multiple groups within IT such as the applications and database teams, empowering them to troubleshoot issues directly. The ability to use unique Media Monitor and SIP Monitors in nGeniusONE by the unified communications (UC) team is part of their strategy to ensure high quality communications with their customers and sales agents. nGeniusPULSE synthetic tests monitor application availability and performance of SaaS and custom applications at branch offices and with third party affiliates. The tests automatically and routinely simulate real user actions accessing the apps – proactively giving status updates, even if no active users are on the system. They also use nGeniusPULSE to make VoIP calls between two nPoints, and from an nPoint to a real phone number, to gather metrics to pro-actively understand call quality and availability.
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Improved visibility into network, voice and application performance with powerful Smart Data and synthetic transaction test results.
More effective collaboration empowered IT teams to effectively troubleshoot application and database outages.
Reduced mean time to resolution by automating analysis of network and application issues, and presentation of the issues in a simple GUI.
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