Net0 Case Studies Fenice Bulk Monaco's Journey to Achieve Net Zero with Net0
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Fenice Bulk Monaco's Journey to Achieve Net Zero with Net0

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Marine & Shipping
Logistics & Transportation
Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems
Fenice Bulk, a Monaco-based shipping company, is faced with the challenge of meeting upcoming regulatory changes in the maritime industry. The European Commission has proposed the inclusion of the shipping industry in the EU’s carbon market from January 2023. This move will necessitate shipowners to purchase permits covering their emissions within the EU and a portion of their emissions from international voyages starting and ending in the EU. Given that the shipping industry accounts for nearly 3% of the world’s CO2 emissions, these regulations are expected to push shipowners to collaborate with sustainable commodity trading companies to reduce their emissions and cut costs in future carbon credit trades. Fenice Bulk, with its green shipping approach, aims to be an early adopter in sustainable shipping services. However, this requires the company to expedite its decarbonisation journey.
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Fenice Bulk is a Monaco-based shipping company that transports bulk commodities by sea globally. The company is known for its green shipping approach and values, and it aims to be a leader in sustainable shipping services. With the upcoming regulatory changes in the maritime industry, Fenice Bulk is committed to accelerating its decarbonisation journey. The company is proactive in its approach to meet the new regulations and is keen on partnering with sustainable commodity trading companies to reduce emissions and cut costs in future carbon credit trades.
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To meet this challenge, Fenice Bulk partnered with Net0 to accelerate its carbon neutrality journey. The company plans to become carbon neutral by offsetting its scope 1 and 2 emissions through various carbon offsetting projects available on the Net0 Platform. Net0’s automated AI-powered emissions management platform plays a crucial role in this process. It allows continuous tracking, analysis, and reporting of emissions, thereby enabling the establishment of a robust and tangible future emissions reduction plan. This partnership with Net0 is a strategic move by Fenice Bulk to stay in line with the upcoming industry regulations and position itself as a leader in sustainable shipping services.
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By partnering with Net0, Fenice Bulk is on track to offset and eventually reduce its scope 1 and 2 emissions. This strategic move will help the company stay in line with the upcoming industry regulations. It also positions Fenice Bulk as an early adopter in sustainable shipping services, giving it a competitive edge in the industry. The continuous tracking, analysis, and reporting of emissions enabled by Net0’s platform will also allow Fenice Bulk to establish a robust and tangible future emissions reduction plan.
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