Progress Case Studies Fairfax County Increases Its Ability to Promote Open Government While Reducing Costs
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Fairfax County Increases Its Ability to Promote Open Government While Reducing Costs

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Database Management & Storage
Cities & Municipalities
Business Operation
System Integration
Fairfax County, one of the largest counties in the nation, was facing a challenge in responding to the high-volume of requests from their constituents regarding property history information. The data was stored in disparate databases and file systems and in different formats, making it difficult to effectively search. The county needed a solution that would integrate this data, maintain its integrity, and make it easy to access. They also needed a solution that would fit with their existing IT infrastructure, and have a low and predictable total cost of ownership.
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Fairfax County, located in Virginia, is one of the largest counties in the nation, with over 1 million residents and a budget larger than four states. As the most populous jurisdiction in both Virginia and the Washington metropolitan area, the county's population exceeds that of seven states. The median household income of Fairfax County is one of the highest in the nation and over half of its adult residents have four-year college degrees or more educational attainment. Fairfax is a diverse and thriving urban county, and it is home to the headquarters of agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Counterterrorism Center, and Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
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Fairfax County developed a repository for land use data that makes it easier for county employees, land developers and residents to access real-time information about zoning changes, county land ordinances and property history. The land data repository, based on the MarkLogic Enterprise NoSQL (not only SQL) database, boosts the productivity of county employees who no longer have to search through multiple databases to find pertinent information. It also gives residents an online source to access information on their computers or smart phones. As the only Enterprise NoSQL database, MarkLogic provides integrity to all information stored in the repository. With its embedded search engine and application server, MarkLogic provided Fairfax County with quick deployment of the new applications it needed.
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Delivered a system to maintain and increase its service delivery to constituents, supporting open government goals and enhancing its reputation with citizens and businesses
Contributed to goals that reduce overall IT TCO
Boosted the productivity of county employees who no longer have to search through multiple databases to find pertinent information
The first phase of consolidating the county's data was completed in two months
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