Case Studies eXelate Accelerates Global Data Delivery and Real-Time Application Deployment
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eXelate Accelerates Global Data Delivery and Real-Time Application Deployment

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Computing
Business Operation
Sales & Marketing
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
System Integration
eXelate sought a real-time, low-latency cloud platform and a high-performance database solution for real-time data delivery and analysis to meet massive scale demands of between six to seven billion events per day at a reasonable cost. The right solution would need to accommodate scalability, real-time performance, including 50/50 balanced reads/writes and real-time replication across four data centers worldwide.
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eXelate is the smart data company that powers smarter digital marketing decisions worldwide for marketers, agencies, platforms, publishers, and data providers. eXelate’s smart data platform provides accurate, actionable, and agile data and analytics on online household demographics, purchase intent, and behavioral propensities. To do so, eXelate collects directly measured online data from hundreds of websites and distribution partnerships with information leaders such as Nielsen, MasterCard Advisors, and Bizo, among others. Then eXelate uses the data to make online, offline, and custom modeled data sets actionable across 800 million online consumers worldwide.
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eXelate runs Aerospike real-time NoSQL databases on Internap AgileSERVERs in four global data centers. Performance IP service makes optimal routing decisions to improve network efficiency. Internap AgileSERVERs deliver up to 8x better performance than virtual environments. Aerospike’s hybrid NoSQL database allows eXelate to use at least 12x fewer servers than in-memory database solutions with lower storage capacity. The combined capabilities of Internap AgileSERVERs and the Aerospike database allow eXelate to use fewer servers and IT equipment. Traditional SQL database systems would cost orders of magnitude more in equipment and software to achieve the volumes processed by eXelate, and the additional costs could negate the eXelate business model. Additional servers can be self-provisioned as needed to accommodate changes in volume. Internap’s route-optimized Performance IP service with Managed Internet Route Optimizer™ (MIRO) technology chooses the fastest route based on latency, packet loss, and stability, resulting in low latency and high network availability. Hybridization of colocation environment with AgileSERVERs allows integration across application tiers and distributes workloads to the optimal environment.
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Internap AgileSERVERs deliver up to 8x better performance than virtual environments.
Aerospike’s hybrid NoSQL database allows eXelate to use at least 12x fewer servers than in-memory database solutions with lower storage capacity.
Internap’s route-optimized Performance IP service with Managed Internet Route Optimizer™ (MIRO) technology chooses the fastest route based on latency, packet loss, and stability, resulting in low latency and high network availability.
eXelate processes between six to seven billion events per day.
Internap AgileSERVERs deliver up to 8x better performance than virtual environments.
Aerospike’s hybrid NoSQL database allows eXelate to use at least 12x fewer servers than in-memory database solutions.
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