C5i Case Studies Evaluating the feasibility for brand name change and its effect on positioning and awareness
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Evaluating the feasibility for brand name change and its effect on positioning and awareness

Analytics & Modeling - Data-as-a-Service
Consumer Goods
Sales & Marketing
Data Science Services
The client, a leading apparel manufacturer, was considering changing the brand name for a product line extension. The study was designed to determine which of three names should be retained. The decision was to be based on assessing overall name preference, understanding the imagery associated with each name, and developing a comparative estimate of potential sales volumes under each name.
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The customer in this case study is a leading apparel manufacturer in the consumer goods and services industry. They were interested in changing the brand name for a product line extension. The goal was to determine which of three names should be retained based on various factors such as overall name preference, the imagery associated with each name, and a comparative estimate of potential sales volumes under each name.
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Blueocean Market Intelligence, a global analytics and insights provider, was brought in to help the client make a data-driven decision. They used their 360 Discovery approach to ensure the comprehensive use of all available structured and unstructured data sources. This approach combines analytics, domain expertise, engineering, and visualization skills to provide strong decision support. The results indicated that changing the brand name would dilute the client's existing equity. As a result, the client decided to retain the original brand name.
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The client retained the original brand name, preventing potential dilution of their existing equity.
The client gained a 360-degree view of their market and competition, improving their business decision-making process.
The client benefited from a synthesis of data streams, enabling sound, data-driven business decisions.
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