NETSCOUT Case Studies European Agency Ensures Data is Available When Needed
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European Agency Ensures Data is Available When Needed

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Finance & Insurance
Discrete Manufacturing
Quality Assurance
Predictive Maintenance
Process Control & Optimization
The European Government agency was facing network traffic issues that were preventing it from complying with the government's data retention guidelines. Their internally developed packet streaming solution was not keeping pace with the increasing network traffic volumes entering their data center. This led to packet drops and inconsistent data retention. The agency needed to upgrade their homegrown packet capture technology to monitor all incoming wide area network (WAN) traffic, which was ranging from 4GBit/s to 10GBit/s. As a publicly funded organization, the agency had to use a government-standard tender process to solicit proposals from several identified vendors.
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The customer is a European Government agency with nearly 15,000 employees. The agency provides a range of financial services upon which the country’s residents and visitors rely, including tax collection, healthcare benefits delivery, and unemployment assistance programs. In addition to overseeing these diverse programs, the agency’s information technology (IT) team provides data center hosting services to other numerous other agencies, including such crucial interests as the Ministry of Finance.
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The agency selected the nGeniusONE Service Assurance platform, with multiple InfiniStreamNG (ISNG) appliances providing the always-on monitoring and continuous network packet capture needed for both real-time and back-in-time analysis. The high-capacity ISNG appliances are integrated with the nGeniusONE platform, supporting packet capture and analysis of services, service enablers, and network performance. The ISNG appliances are equipped with extended storage units (ESUs) designed to provide the packet storage capabilities required to enable the agency to meet the government’s 14-day data retention guidelines. The IT team also benefited from NETSCOUT onsite training services delivered in their regional language, which helped the agency get 40 users up to speed on using the nGeniusONE platform in their environment.
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Improved data retention improves agency compliance with government guidelines
Extends ROI of agency’s legacy IT toolsets
Improved network capacity management, new proactive application monitoring with NETSCOUT smart data
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