Forcepoint Case Studies Enterprise Oil & Gas Company Secures Critical Data with Forcepoint Insider Threat
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Enterprise Oil & Gas Company Secures Critical Data with Forcepoint Insider Threat

Cybersecurity & Privacy - Database Security
Oil & Gas
Business Operation
Data Science Services
System Integration
The company stores a variety of valuable data: internal patents, intellectual property (IP), merger and acquisition data, machine schematics, and geological data like potential drill sites. Many of those with access to this sensitive data are temporary contractors, employed for only a brief period of time. Understanding the higher risk that accompanies shorter-term employees, company leaders brought in third-party analysts to do an assessment of insider threat risk. Analysts found that data was indeed leaving the company, and that nearly half of the data loss incidents were directly related to the actions of negligent or malicious insiders. Upon hearing the results, company leaders authorized the creation of an internal insider threat task force.
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A Fortune US 100 & Fortune Global 500 Energy company is engaged in every aspect of the oil, natural gas, and geothermal energy industries. These include hydrocarbon exploration and production, refining, marketing and transport, chemicals manufacturing and sales, and power generation. The company manufactures and sells products such as fuels, lubricants, additives, and petrochemicals, with alternative energy operations including geothermal, solar, wind power, biofuel, fuel cells, and hydrogen.
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The company implemented Forcepoint Insider Threat to secure their critical data. The product was initially deployed in a pilot program with 1,100 licenses and underwent a rigorous testing period. Within weeks, the product surfaced two separate cases of access abuse by privileged users—employees exfiltrating sensitive data. The Forcepoint team spent several months working closely with the company’s leaders to understand their desired business and security outcomes. In addition to the initial product onboarding, countless hours were spent conveying the corporate vision, Forcepoint’s human-centric cybersecurity strategy, and product roadmap. The management team appreciated how Forcepoint Insider Threat could integrate with other Forcepoint—as well as third-party—solutions to provide a more comprehensive overall security posture. The company moved forward with the purchase of 80,000 seats of Forcepoint Insider Threat.
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The product’s pilot deployment surfaced not one but two separate cases of access abuse by privileged users—employees exfiltrating sensitive data.
The company’s leaders offered glowing reviews, calling it “a reliable product that gives in-depth visibility into risky user activity, especially at the endpoint level.”
Detailed incident reporting and DVR functionality provide context around potential data loss incidents.
The product’s pilot deployment surfaced two separate cases of access abuse by privileged users.
The company moved forward with the purchase of 80,000 seats of Forcepoint Insider Threat.
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