Comodo Case Studies Enhancing E-Commerce Trust and Security: A Case Study of
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Enhancing E-Commerce Trust and Security: A Case Study of

National Security & Defense
Quality Assurance
Fraud Detection
Tamper Detection
Cybersecurity Services, a leading distributor of high-quality German grooming products, was facing a significant challenge in earning the trust of new customers on their website. Despite being the largest distributor of products made by craftsmen in Solingen, Germany, and the exclusive U.S. distributor for many European products, the company was struggling with the common consumer fear of online fraud. This fear, which affects 24% of consumers, stems from the potential for scams, phishing, pharming, and 'man in the middle' attacks. The lack of a distinguishing method to assure customers of the website's authenticity and security was hindering's potential for higher sales growth.
Read More is a leading distributor of high-quality German grooming products. It is the largest distributor of products made by craftsmen in Solingen, Germany, and is the exclusive U.S. distributor for many European products. Despite its strength in exceptionally made, German steel grooming products, the company was facing challenges in earning the trust of new customers on their website. The company already had a strong hold on its market, but the fear of online fraud was a major obstacle holding back from higher sales growth.
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To address this challenge, turned to Comodo, a cybersecurity company, to help earn user trust and assure customers of the website's authenticity and security. implemented two programs from Comodo: the EV SSL Certificates and the HackerProof Software. The EV SSL Certificates use an extensive background check to promote an authentic site. When a site features an EV SSL Certificate, the address bar of the page turns green, indicating authenticity. Pages with this certificate also feature a seal that provides info on the site’s owner, proving that the website is accountable for its content. The HackerProof Software, on the other hand, emphasizes to customers that the website is safe from hacker attacks. It exposes any vulnerability to hackers and indicates the same to users, helping to relieve any doubts customers may have about the safety and privacy of the information they submit to a website.
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The implementation of Comodo's EV SSL Certificates and HackerProof Software significantly enhanced the trust and security of The green address bar and the seal on the page, indicating the site's authenticity and accountability, allowed customers to feel safer trading with the website. The HackerProof trust logo, which lists the company’s contact info and notes the last time HackerProof scanned the website, further assured customers of the website's safety from hackers. The Comodo logo, featured on over 100 million websites, provided a trusted, authoritative indication of web security. This comprehensive approach to cybersecurity not only increased customer trust and conversion rates but also ensured that the website was up to date and secure in its prevention of hacker intrusions.
The conversion rate of turning visitors of into customers increased by 11% after using Comodo products.
The average value per transaction on increased by 23% after switching to Comodo. was able to directly monitor how the HackerProof trustmark related to visitor conversion using a web tool from Comodo.
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