Fortra Case Studies Enhanced Security and Compliance in File Transfers: A Case Study on Mercury Financial
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Enhanced Security and Compliance in File Transfers: A Case Study on Mercury Financial

Cybersecurity & Privacy - Application Security
Cybersecurity & Privacy - Cloud Security
Finance & Insurance
National Security & Defense
Quality Assurance
Leasing Finance Automation
Tamper Detection
Cybersecurity Services
Testing & Certification
Mercury Financial, the largest non-bank credit card company in the U.S., was facing a significant challenge in securely transferring files. As a financial institution, it was crucial for them to protect consumer information, a key component of their customer service and a significant factor in their reputation risk. Moreover, they had to adhere to strict compliance regulations, notably the recently updated Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Their existing data loss prevention (DLP) solution was slowing down their operations, making it difficult for them to transfer files securely and efficiently. The challenge was not only to ensure secure file transfer but also to ensure that the data within those files was compliant and well protected.
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Mercury Financial is the largest non-bank credit card company in the United States. As a financial institution, they handle sensitive credit card information and are required to adhere to strict compliance regulations, including the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Protecting consumer information is a critical component of their customer service and a key driver of their reputation risk. They were using GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) for transferring sensitive data securely but were facing challenges due to their slowing data loss prevention (DLP) solution.
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Mercury Financial turned to Fortra's Clearswift Secure ICAP Gateway (SIG) to add threat protection to their secure file transfer solution. They were already using GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) for transferring sensitive data securely. The Clearswift SIG solution allowed them to enhance the security of critical information flowing through their infrastructure while adhering to industry compliance data protection standards. The solution protected the transferred data from data loss, accidental data exposure, and threats. Clearswift SIG also offered features like data redaction, document sanitization, optical character recognition, and structural sanitization, providing malware and virus detection and protection. The combination of GoAnywhere MFT and Clearswift SIG enabled Mercury Financial to double its number of weekly file transfers, improving their productivity significantly.
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The integration of Clearswift SIG with GoAnywhere MFT provided Mercury Financial with a streamlined and straightforward process for secure file transfers. The solution offered transparency for content inspection without any blind spots, enhancing the security of their operations. The combination of file transfer protection from GoAnywhere MFT and threat protection and content inspection from Clearswift SIG gave Mercury Financial the security it needed to stay compliant and safeguard sensitive data with one trusted partner. This proactive approach helped them avoid the worries of 'blind spots' in secure file transfers.
Mercury Financial more than doubled its number of weekly file transfers, going from over 500 files a week to nearly 1,300 files weekly.
The solution provided by Clearswift SIG and GoAnywhere MFT significantly improved Mercury Financial's productivity.
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