Case Studies Enhanced Product Capabilities

Enhanced Product Capabilities

Enhanced Product Capabilities -  Industrial IoT Case Study
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Sensors - Temperature Sensors
Sensors - Voltage Sensors

For one of their brands, they wanted to developed technologies that could harvest electric and thermal energy from the wearer to support self-warming & cooling systems. They lacked the in-house capabilities to IoT-enable their product line.

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A Global Consumer Brand
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Amyx+ researched currently available technologies as well as experimental research in academia to determine the best course of product development and roadmap for the enterprise client. For the initial stage, it was recommended to experiment with off-the-shelf MEMS, actuators and sensors to achieve a portion of their desired objectives. Based on that initial stage of work, then a long-term product roadmap was developed to determine early quick wins, near-term wins, intermediate development and long-term investments.

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Energy Consumption Rate, Temperature
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[Efficiency Improvement - R&D]
The client was informed of current available technologies and active research to be better informed for planning and product development
[Efficiency Improvement - R&D]
Prototypes and tech due diligence were shopped with business unit owners for knowledge transfer and potential budget sponsorship for further product development
[Efficiency Improvement - Operation]
The client has better sense of how to incorporate IoT components into the manufacturing process and some of the inherent challenges

Quantitative measurement is in progress

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