Case Studies Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances Offers Security
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Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances Offers Security

Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances Offers Security -  Industrial IoT Case Study
Cybersecurity & Privacy - Application Security

Pharmacists often make a mistake in filling the prescription because of a poorly-written script. These mistakes can lead to dangerous misdosing or drug interactions with other medicines that have an adverse effect on the quality of patient care. Exostar recognized the huge burden for health IT vendors to enable Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) for their providers.

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Exostar, a leader in secure cloud-based solutions, enables seamless, scalable collaboration and supply chain management for more than 100,000 companies worldwide.
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Gemalto’s solution is being used by Exostar to help secure applications connected to their cloud-based Identity Hubs for aerospace and life sciences communities. Protiva Cloud Confirm meets the EPCS requirement for users to provide a second factor to authenticate electronic prescriptions of controlled substances. Cloud Confirm includes the IDConfirm Strong Authentication Server and IDProve one-time password (OTP) tokens. Vendors use the OTP tokens to safely log on to their eRX service using their user names and the unique passcodes, which can only be used once. This prevents different forms of identity theft by ensuring a username/password combination cannot be used a second time.

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Data Security, Order Accuracy, Personal Medical, Identity
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[Data Management - Cyber Security]
Identity theft is prevented by ensuring a username password combination cannot be used a second time.
[Data Management - Data Collection]
Cloud solutions enable aggregation of 'big data' to enable more secure data collection.

The reduction in accidental harm to hospital patients saved an estimated $12 billion in healthcare costs over the past few years.

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