Klipfolio Case Studies Efficient Foundations Reduces Inefficiency With Klipfolio
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Efficient Foundations Reduces Inefficiency With Klipfolio

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Field Services
Remote Asset Management
Data Science Services
Efficient Foundations, an Australian company, was facing challenges in managing the information flow and performance of its field staff, including technicians and electricians. The company was using a paper-based system, which led to inefficiencies such as missing paperwork, improperly filled forms, and delayed information flow. This resulted in missed appointments and lost business opportunities. The company estimated that it was wasting 25 to 30 percent of a technician’s time due to inefficient monitoring and deployment.
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Efficient Foundations is an Australian company that assists service providers, such as electricians and plumbers, in transitioning from paper-based systems to digital systems. The company works closely with these service providers and has firsthand experience of the inefficiencies that can arise from poor information flow and management. The company's goal is to help its clients improve their operational efficiency by leveraging digital tools and technologies.
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Efficient Foundations adopted Klipfolio, a real-time data analytics tool, to address its operational inefficiencies. The tool offers a multi-platform solution that does not require any additional software installation. With Klipfolio, Efficient Foundations can display key performance indicators, such as hours worked and cost per hour, on various devices, including large screens, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This real-time data allows the company to be proactive rather than reactive in managing its business. The company has been using Klipfolio for approximately two years and has seen exponential growth during this period.
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Efficient Foundations has seen exponential business growth since implementing Klipfolio.
The company can now display key performance indicators on various devices, enabling real-time monitoring and decision-making.
The real-time data provided by Klipfolio allows Efficient Foundations to be proactive rather than reactive in managing its business.
Efficient Foundations reduced technician time wastage from 25-30% to a significantly lower percentage.
The company has seen exponential business growth over the two years of using Klipfolio.
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