Zapier Case Studies Efficiency Boost: How obo. Agency Reduced Lead Creation Time by 25% with IoT
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Efficiency Boost: How obo. Agency Reduced Lead Creation Time by 25% with IoT

Equipment & Machinery
Sales & Marketing
Leasing Finance Automation
Time Sensitive Networking
System Integration

obo. Agency, an account-based marketing firm, was facing a significant challenge in managing and navigating through APIs of custom software used by their clients. The team was tasked with improving marketing automation, optimizing sales processes, and driving engagement through content and design. This required them to work with these APIs and connect them to other tools. However, the APIs were often disorganized and poorly documented, making the task time-consuming and complex. Business Solutions Analyst, Doug Puccetti, spent a significant portion of his day sifting through these APIs, strategizing how to extract data from a client's API and send it to new, efficient systems. Additionally, the manual migration of data when changing systems was a tedious task that consumed a lot of time and often had to be restarted from scratch if there was an issue with the upload.

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obo. Agency is an account-based marketing firm that helps clients improve their marketing automation, optimize sales processes, and drive engagement through content and design. They work with larger companies that have built custom software, requiring the agency to navigate through APIs and connect them to other tools. The agency, a 2-year-old startup, is continuously growing its client base and is always looking for ways to automate manual work to spend more time on their clients and less on data entry.

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To address these challenges, Doug built a few 'Zaps', a connection between two or more apps, using Zapier's homegrown apps: Webhooks and Code. With Zapier's webhooks, Doug could grab any piece of information from a client's database. When paired with Code by Zapier, he could transform the data from the webhook into information ready for CRMs, like HubSpot and Salesforce. This automation significantly reduced the workload and the time spent on manual data migration. Furthermore, Doug connected HubSpot and Salesforce with marketing automation software and webinar applications. By mixing and matching these applications, Doug's Zaps could perform a variety of tasks, such as transferring leads from CRM to CRM, creating new leads from webinar attendees, and adding webinar attendees to mailing lists, depending on the needs of obo. Agency's clients.

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The implementation of Zaps has significantly improved the operational efficiency of obo. Agency. The automation of data migration and transformation has not only reduced the time spent on these tasks but also minimized the risk of errors that could occur during manual data handling. This has allowed the team to focus more on their core tasks, such as improving marketing automation and optimizing sales processes. Furthermore, the ability to mix and match applications has provided the agency with the flexibility to cater to the specific needs of their clients, enhancing their service delivery. The agency has also been able to ensure seamless migration to new platforms for their clients, without any data loss.

Reduced time spent on creating leads by 25%

Automated data uploads for multiple clients

Enabled seamless migration to new platforms without data loss

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