EcoOnline Case Studies E-CO Energi's Transformation with EcoOnline's IoT Solution
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E-CO Energi's Transformation with EcoOnline's IoT Solution

Sensors - Chemical Sensors
Sensors - Liquid Detection Sensors
Electrical Grids
Product Research & Development
Inventory Management
Onsite Human Safety Management
System Integration
E-CO Energi, a Norwegian power company, faced significant challenges in managing and tracking their chemicals in accordance with legal requirements. Prior to implementing EcoOnline's software, the company relied on traditional methods of tracking chemicals using ring binders. This manual process was not only time-consuming but also made it difficult for the company to keep their records up-to-date. The company needed to constantly obtain the latest safety data sheets, which was a daunting task. The lack of a streamlined process for managing chemicals posed a risk to the company's operations and compliance with safety regulations.
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E-CO Energi is a leading power company based in Oslo, Norway. Founded in 1892, the company is the second-largest producer of electricity in Norway, generating enough renewable energy to supply half of all Norwegian households. This equates to supplying electricity to more than 2.8 million people. E-CO Energi's core activities include the ownership and management of hydropower plants and the development of new renewable power projects. They also provide system services to the power system and sell power in the wholesale market. The company has been a client of EcoOnline for over 10 years.
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E-CO Energi adopted EcoOnline's software to manage their chemical tracking and reporting. The software provided a comprehensive overview of the use of chemicals and the associated risks. It ensured that the company always had access to up-to-date safety data sheets. The software also allowed the company to generate useful reports related to inventory, risk assessment, exposure, and more. Each location or department within E-CO Energi now has a dedicated chemical manager who keeps the documentation for the chemical work up-to-date. EcoOnline's software also provided notifications in the database, such as new safety data sheets, the need for new risk assessments, and automatic exposure warnings, making the work easier and less time-consuming for the chemical safety managers.
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The implementation of EcoOnline's software has transformed E-CO Energi's chemical management process. The company now has a better overview of the use of chemicals and the associated risks. The software has also made it easier for the company to comply with legal requirements by ensuring that they always have up-to-date safety data sheets. The ability to generate useful reports has improved the company's risk management. The software has also made the work of the chemical safety managers easier and less time-consuming. Furthermore, the company appreciates the responsive customer service from EcoOnline, which includes a dedicated contact who delivers first-class service.
Significant reduction in time spent on managing and tracking chemicals
Improved compliance with legal requirements due to up-to-date safety data sheets
Enhanced risk management through comprehensive reports on inventory, risk assessment, and exposure
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