Case Studies Dollar Shave Club uses Jobvite to Shear off Agency Spend
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Dollar Shave Club uses Jobvite to Shear off Agency Spend

Consumer Goods
Human Resources
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Without a formal recruiting team or applicant tracking system in place, Dollar Shave Club relied on agencies to bring in the talent they needed — an expensive process that could take months to close a single requisition. The company faced high recruiting spend and inefficiencies in managing thousands of candidates who applied, leading to a chaotic and time-consuming process. When Peter Moore joined as VP of Talent & Recruiting in August 2015, he prioritized finding a better way to manage and fill the company’s many open positions.
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Based in Venice, California, Dollar Shave Club is a subscription men’s lifestyle company on a mission to change the way men address their shaving and grooming needs. Since their launch in March 2012, they have grown exponentially, with over three million members in North America alone. Dollar Shave Club offers a range of high-quality personal care products, including razors, shower products, skin protection, and shaving creams. The company aims to be the easiest place for men to get the things they use every day, leveraging content and technology to enhance their offerings.
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Peter Moore, having worked with Jobvite previously, reached out to the company and chose them as Dollar Shave Club’s recruiting partner after comparing their product to several competitors. Moore collaborated with a Jobvite implementation specialist to design a workflow tailored specifically to Dollar Shave Club. This included a clear process with ownership assigned at every step, from sourcing to offer letter. The integration of top candidates’ resumes and information into Jobvite allowed hiring managers to efficiently review and decide on the best fit. Customized messaging templates enabled the company to communicate with large groups of candidates at once, maintaining a personable and engaging approach. Additionally, the referral program was reinvigorated, with employees proactively sharing job openings on their networks, facilitated by Jobvite’s social media capabilities.
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Dollar Shave Club eliminated their agency spend almost completely, filling positions quicker than ever before.
The company was able to tailor Jobvite for ease-of-use, personalization, and engagement, streamlining the recruitment process.
Customized messaging templates allowed for efficient and engaging communication with candidates, even when delivering not-so-good news.
Nearly $2.5 million in savings.
58% reduction in time-to-hire, from an average of 90 days to 38 days.
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