Conversica Case Studies DocStar Boosts Pipeline Growth with Conversational AI for Marketing and Sales
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DocStar Boosts Pipeline Growth with Conversational AI for Marketing and Sales

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Virtual Private Cloud
Wearables - Virtual Reality Glasses, Headsets & Controllers
Equipment & Machinery
Oil & Gas
Sales & Marketing
Intelligent Packaging
Inventory Management
DocStar Enterprise Content Management (ECM), a division of Epicor Software Management, was facing challenges with managing their lead volume. They were receiving about 500 leads per month, mostly inbound leads generated through their website. To manage these leads, they scored them based on demographic, firmographic and behavioral data before sending them to the Business Development team for follow-up. However, the Business Development Representatives (BDRs) had trouble meeting their quota for the number of outreach attempts for each lead, especially when lead volume was high. Additionally, the timing of the outreach was often not optimal, being either too early or too late in the customer journey to be of any value to the prospect. DocStar was acquired by Epicor in January 2017, but for a while the two organizations had separate Salesforce instances. When Epicor adopted Conversica’s Conversational AI in October 2018, they saw a significant boost in their lead engagement rate via email.
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DocStar Enterprise Content Management (ECM), an Epicor solution, is a scalable, strategic cloud-based tool that allows business users to manage all of their content securely, from capture to destruction. DocStar specializes in document management, as well as business processes management including accounts payable and sales order automation. They receive about 500 leads per month, the bulk of which are inbound leads generated through their website. DocStar was acquired by Epicor in January 2017, but for a while the two organizations had separate Salesforce instances.
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After witnessing the success of Conversica’s Conversational AI at Epicor, DocStar decided to adopt the same technology to drive pipeline and operational efficiency. They took a phased approach to adopting an AI Assistant. Phase 1 focused on re-engaging inbound leads, starting with small batches of leads and contacts that had gone dormant. Once that was up and running, they added real-time inbound leads to the mix. In Phase 2, Conversica and DocStar worked together on a pipeline push for opportunities that were closed/lost in the last year, as well as opportunities that went suddenly dormant and weren’t engaging with follow-up requests. In Phase 3, the DocStar team decided to look at specific use cases for the Conversica solution including live events and tradeshows. The AI Assistant DocStar hired drove registrations pre-event and followed up post-event to discover hot leads. DocStar also used the self-service Conversation Editor tools to test different ways of describing their product benefits to distinct audiences.
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The adoption of Conversica’s Conversational AI has brought significant operational benefits to DocStar. The AI Assistant has not only helped in managing the high lead volume but also in ensuring the timing of the outreach is optimal. The phased approach to adopting an AI Assistant has allowed DocStar to re-engage with dormant leads, push for opportunities that were closed/lost in the last year, and discover hot leads post-events and tradeshows. The use of the self-service Conversation Editor tools has also enabled DocStar to test different ways of describing their product benefits to distinct audiences, thereby improving their marketing strategy. Furthermore, the integration with Salesforce has made it easy for DocStar to see the return on investment with Conversica.
10% of pipeline attributed directly to their Intelligent Virtual Assistant
74 opportunities resulting in over $1 million
Improved operational efficiency, reading and writing emails the equivalent to 78.3K man-hours (the equivalent of 41 years worth of work)
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