FlowForma Case Studies Digitalization Transforms Social Service
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Digitalization Transforms Social Service

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Healthcare & Hospitals
Business Operation
Human Resources
Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Remote Collaboration
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
AcruxKC, a US non-profit organization, was facing challenges with its voucher scheme for low-income individuals. The process was heavily reliant on paperwork and email correspondence, which was inefficient and time-consuming. Clients had to physically collect their vouchers, which was a barrier for those without transportation or the ability to take time off work. The organization, which employs just nine people and has no IT department, needed a solution that was easy to implement and use, and that could handle different client types confidentially, integrate with their financial software, and be adaptable for future services and client base expansion.
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AcruxKC is a non-profit organization based in the Kansas City metropolitan area in the United States. The organization's mission is to assist low-income individuals in accessing basic health services such as emergency dental care and prescriptions. AcruxKC operates a voucher scheme, where registered clients can collect their vouchers from 52 sites and choose where to redeem them from 120 vendor locations. The organization employs just nine people and does not have an IT department.
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AcruxKC implemented FlowForma Process Automation to digitalize their service and streamline their processes. The first workflows developed were Client Registration, where personal information about service users is collected before admitting them to the system, and Voucher Creation, which involves five types of vouchers, each aligned to five different services. The Invoice Payment process was also automated, replacing a manual task that was taking up too much of the team’s time. The plan is to enable vendors to engage digitally over FlowForma Process Automation, reducing the number of emails that go back and forth when AcruxKC wants to onboard a new partner organization. Other planned use cases include compliance with HIPPA around protecting personal information and making user surveys more efficient.
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Eliminated excess paperwork and duplicate data entry
Streamlined work processes to save time
Reduced payment process time and steps
20% increase in voucher redemption expected with automated reminders
Return on investment within 6 weeks
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