Fergus Case Studies Digital Transformation of E&P Electrics with IoT
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Digital Transformation of E&P Electrics with IoT

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Paper & Pulp
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Time Sensitive Networking
E&P Electrics, an electrical contracting company based in North Yorkshire, England, was facing challenges in managing their growing business. The company, which has been operating since 1986, was relying on traditional pen and paper methods to manage all aspects of their business. This approach, although dependable, was incredibly time-consuming and often left the company at maximum capacity, unable to take on more work and grow their business. The company was in dire need of a solution that would allow them to optimize their business operations while maintaining their strong customer relationships.
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E&P Electrics (Bedale) is an electrical contracting company based in North Yorkshire, England. The company has been operating since 1986, providing services around the North of England. E&P prides itself on its high-quality work and well-established reputation. The company is based on traditional values and had been relying on a pen and paper approach to manage all aspects of the business. Despite the dependability of this method, it was time-consuming and often left the company unable to take on more work and grow their business.
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E&P Electrics found their solution in Fergus, a digital platform that significantly reduced the company's data input, freeing up more time for them to focus on their contractors' progress. By reducing their manual data input on Fergus, the company was able to focus on monitoring its profitability, ensuring every job was driving the business towards its profit goals. The transition to Fergus revolutionized the office operations, making them virtually paper-free. The real-time tracking feature of Fergus allowed the company to get live data back from all of their electricians, enabling them to keep an eye on the profitability of every job on a daily basis.
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The transition to Fergus has brought about a significant improvement in the day-to-day running of E&P Electrics. The company has moved from being very paper-based to being virtually paper-free. The reduction in manual data input has not only saved time and money but also improved the accuracy of the data. The real-time tracking feature of Fergus has enabled the company to keep an eye on the profitability of every job on a daily basis, ensuring that every job is driving the business towards its profit goals. The digital transformation has made the office operations smoother and more profitable.
Significant reduction in data entry across the office, saving time and money.
Real-time tracking of jobs, with updates no more than 24 hours behind.
Significant reduction in manual input, leading to more accurate data.
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