Bizimply Case Studies Digital Transformation of BP Polbeth Service Station with Bizimply
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Digital Transformation of BP Polbeth Service Station with Bizimply

Railway & Metro
Human Resources
Personnel Tracking & Monitoring
Time Sensitive Networking
System Integration
Polbeth Service Station, a 24-hour food, drink, and convenience store with a Subway franchise, was struggling with outdated, paper-based employee scheduling and payroll systems. The daily rotas only included the employee's name and assigned shifts, with scribbled notes indicating actual hours worked. This approach was not only time-consuming and laborious but also prone to errors and lacked real-time visibility. The management had to manually enter these hours into the payroll system, a task that took an entire day and often resulted in errors. The station also faced challenges in scheduling staff for the shop floor and the Subway department due to a lack of clarity. Furthermore, the absence of an accurate system to track staff arrival and departure times led to overestimated wages and a lack of accountability.
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Polbeth Service Station is a 24-hour, award-winning food and drink service station that also offers convenient in-store services and houses a Subway franchise. The station, which has been operational since 2021, employs over 20 people. Before implementing Bizimply, the station relied on outdated, paper-based systems for employee scheduling and payroll, leading to inefficiencies and errors. The station sought a solution that would modernise its operations, streamline processes, and improve accuracy and accountability.
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Polbeth Service Station implemented Bizimply to address these challenges. Despite initial resistance from staff accustomed to manual processes, the benefits of the new system quickly became apparent. Bizimply modernised the station's operations, streamlining scheduling and payroll processes. The system allowed the creation of popular shifts and used colour coding to distinguish between different departments, eliminating confusion in scheduling. It also enabled the optimisation of staffing to ensure the right number of staff on every shift and for each department. The integration of Bizimply with the Brightpay accounting system reduced the time spent on payroll from a day to a few hours. It linked shift times from the Timestation directly to Timecards, eliminating errors from manual data entry.
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The implementation of Bizimply at Polbeth Service Station has led to significant operational improvements. The digital transformation has modernised the station's operations, making them more efficient and less prone to errors. The colour-coded scheduling system has eliminated confusion, making it easier to manage staff across different departments. The integration with Brightpay has streamlined the payroll process, reducing the time spent on it and improving accuracy. The system has also increased staff accountability by accurately tracking their arrival and departure times. Overall, the station has seen a significant improvement in its operational efficiency and accuracy.
Reduced time spent on payroll from one day to a few hours
Streamlined scheduling process, reducing time spent on creating rotas
Improved accuracy in wage calculations, eliminating overestimations
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