AuraQuantic Case Studies Digital Transformation in Insurance: SISA's Journey with AuraQuantic Low Code Applications Platform
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Digital Transformation in Insurance: SISA's Journey with AuraQuantic Low Code Applications Platform

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Finance & Insurance
Quality Assurance
Inventory Management
Usage-Based Insurance
System Integration
Testing & Certification
SISA, a leading insurance company in El Salvador, was grappling with the challenge of managing two different workflow systems for policy issuance and claims processes. This fragmented approach was causing delays, reducing responsiveness, and making it difficult to monitor tasks effectively. The company was also dealing with the inefficiency of manual data input, as customers had to write information on physical forms, which then had to be copied into the system. To address these issues, SISA decided to migrate to an integrated tool that could drive continuous improvement across all processes. The company also sought to decentralize operations and involve all participants in the processes, enabling information to be uploaded on electronic forms at each point of contact with clients, insurance intermediaries, and suppliers.
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SISA is a leading insurance and investment company based in El Salvador. Founded in 1962, the company offers a wide range of insurance products and has established itself as a market leader in the country. SISA's mission is to provide peace of mind and financial security to its customers through quality products, digital processes, and excellent service. The company is committed to maintaining its leadership in premiums and profitability in El Salvador. SISA's customer base includes individuals, insurance intermediaries, and suppliers such as garages, hospitals, and laboratories.
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SISA chose the AuraQuantic Low Code Applications Platform (LCAP) to drive its digital transformation. The platform integrated all internal and external process activities into business operations, enabling accurate monitoring of response standards and setting notifications and alerts in case of deviations. The old Intermediaries Portal was migrated to the new digital platform, which also included reports providing valuable information to agents and brokers. Further portals were created for other partners such as garages in the claims processes and hospitals and laboratories in the health processes. One of the key innovations was the service of assistance for automobile insurance, which collected all information on site and in real time. The customer could select the garage and initiate vehicle repair management, with SISA providing budget tracking for repairs, delivery times, etc.
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The implementation of the AuraQuantic platform has brought about significant operational improvements for SISA. The company has been able to streamline its processes, reducing the time taken to issue a car policy from over a day to just two minutes. The platform has also enabled SISA to integrate all internal and external process activities into business operations, improving monitoring and responsiveness. The creation of new portals for intermediaries and other partners has optimized collaboration and improved the overall service experience. Furthermore, the automation of tasks and notifications has simplified work for supervisors and reduced the need for additional programming. Overall, the digital transformation has boosted efficiency and improved relations with customers and insurance intermediaries.
Migration of old policy generation processes was achieved in just two months, consolidating 17 previous processes into just three applications.
Prior to the implementation, a car policy issuance process took over a day to complete. Now, it barely takes two minutes to generate a policy.
Significant reduction in manual data input due to integration of the AuraQuantic platform with SISA's core system.
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