CallMiner Case Studies Delta Outsource Group Achieves Optimal Revenue Recovery While Remaining TCPA and FDCPA Compliant with Interaction Analytics
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Delta Outsource Group Achieves Optimal Revenue Recovery While Remaining TCPA and FDCPA Compliant with Interaction Analytics

Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Finance & Insurance
Business Operation
Fleet Management
Fraud Detection
Predictive Maintenance
Data Science Services
Delta Outsource Group, a nationwide provider of collection and receivable management programs, was facing challenges in proving compliance with TCPA or FDCPA regulations. The company was using manual scorecards to assess the performance of their agents, which was time-consuming and based on analyzing only a small percentage of agent calls. This left the company vulnerable to the risk of legal actions being taken against them due to the lack of ability to verify compliance with TCPA and FDCPA regulations. The company also identified several issues with collectors’ calls, including potential FDCPA violations, use of abusive language, mentions of legal action, and actions affecting profitability such as overall call duration and excessive silence on the call.
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Delta Outsource Group is a nationwide provider of collection and receivable management programs. Founded in 2009, the company is PPMS, ACA and Tech Lock certified. It is also PCI DSS and SSAE16 compliant with an A+ BBB accreditation. Like many collections firms, the company used manual scorecards to assess the performance of their agents. The process was time-consuming and based on analyzing only a small percentage of agent calls. This meant the ability to spot issues was minimal and left largely to chance. It also made the company vulnerable to the risk of legal actions being taken against them due to the lack of ability to verify compliance with TCPA and FDCPA regulations.
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Delta Outsource Group deployed CallMiner Eureka Interaction Analytics to analyze 100% of conversations, increasing the calls analyzed per agent from five to about 200 per month. This helped to identify and eradicate potential non-compliant behavior, reducing compliance risks and lowering the likelihood of fines and lawsuits. The company added five new categories to its new automated scorecard, bringing any non-compliant agent behavior to the attention of the compliance coaching team. The company also linked compliance scores with the collectors’ bonus structure, encouraging agents to focus on compliance, the customer experience, and improving recovery rates. The company used the insights from Eureka to uncover several agent productivity issues and improve agent performance through targeted coaching.
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Reduced average call duration by 20% in first 90 days
Reduced average silence on calls by 25%
Achieved immediate improvement of recovery rates by implementing “Tax Time” category
Reduced average call duration by 20% in first 90 days
Reduced average silence on calls by 25%
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