AssetWorks Case Studies Delivering Success Through Integration
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Delivering Success Through Integration

Functional Applications - Fleet Management Systems (FMS)
Sensors - GPS
Oil & Gas
Logistics & Transportation
Fleet Management
Vehicle Telematics
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Three Star Trucking, now operating as Vertex, is one of the largest oilfield trucking companies in Western Canada. They contract a wide range of transportation services in harsh environments throughout Canada and the United States. As they have grown, their active number of drivers can fluctuate on a monthly basis. At the time of this success story, Three Star had 165 drivers utilizing the rugged Ranger vehicle device and Vertex had committed to continue using these devices in a number of their units. On average, they see about 150 drivers in their system at any given time. They had previously tried using iPads for their drivers, but managing all of those iPads was a nightmare. They needed a solution that was cheaper, more efficient, more durable and came with extended support.

While scouting out potential providers, they noticed that many didn’t have a dedicated support team. As a result, they would have to jump through hoops and call several different providers to ensure they had integrated support solutions that would work with each of their non-integrated systems. They needed a solution that offered full customer support access for each of the modules and systems and provided a dedicated Project Manager.
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Three Star Trucking, now operating as Vertex, is one of the largest oilfield trucking companies in Western Canada. They are responsible for contracting a wide range of transportation services in harsh environments throughout Canada and the United States. As they have grown, their active number of drivers can fluctuate on a monthly basis. At the time of this success story, Three Star had 165 drivers utilizing the rugged Ranger vehicle device and Vertex had committed to continue using these devices in a number of their units. On average, they see about 150 drivers in their system at any given time. They had previously tried using iPads for their drivers, but managing all of those iPads was a nightmare.
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Three Star Trucking discovered AssetWorks Field Service Solutions (FSS). FSS offers full customer support access for each of the modules and systems and provides a dedicated Project Manager. The long list of solutions that Vertex has implemented through FSS include electronic field ticketing, E-logs (compliance for USA & Canada ELD Mandates), GPS mapping (current and historical), mail/mass communication, in-truck scanning and accounting/back office integration (including accessing reports for compliance and audit purposes). Currently, they are preparing for a Dispatching deployment to help regulate and optimize their dispatching workflows, over their current phone call system.

During the deployment of the Ranger in the trucks, they had to switch out their SIM card providers as a result of their somewhat remote location. Spotty coverage was an issue that they did not want to deal with on these important jobs and work orders, so they took the proactive step to switch providers. This proved to have some initial issues, as they are quite fond of the scanner functionality in the trucks. One of the first to connect with the scanners in the Ranger units had cable and dongle issues. Their Project Manager at AssetWorks, Sunny Gill, helped them go through a wireless issue which is helping immensely.
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Reduced paperwork by roughly 75% - a key factor in not only optimizing exchange of information and expediting work orders, but also in reducing environmental waste.
The efficiency in the Accounting department has increased significantly with the implementation of the direct ticket integration with the back office.
Over time, people have come around to prefer electronic systems over paper as they have seen how much time and money they have been saving.
Reduced paperwork by roughly 75%
Increased efficiency in the Accounting department by 86%
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