ICONICS Case Studies Customer Success Story - Permskaya Gres
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Customer Success Story - Permskaya Gres

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Middleware, SDKs & Libraries
Quality Assurance
Predictive Maintenance
Remote Asset Management
System Integration
Permskaya Gres, a thermal electric power plant in Russia, was facing a challenge of synchronizing real-time OPC information from several different information systems. These systems worked independently, had different hardware and software platforms, and were placed far from each other. The goal of the project was to increase the control efficiency and capacity for all power stations, which they called the “Planned Capacity Trend functionality”. The main purpose of the application was to provide information from different power generating control systems and delivering the information in real time to remote users.
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Permskaya Gres is a thermal electric power plant located in Dobryanka, Russia. The revised plant was built and put into operation in 1986, 1987 and 1990 with three 800-megawatt power units. The station burns gas for fuel. Since it went into operation, Permskaya Gres has produced 112,000 million kilowatts of electricity. At times, its annual output reaches 14,000 million kilowatthours. The station produces and delivers electricity to the federal (all-Russian) wholesale electric power market. The thermal energy it produces is delivered to consumers in the town of Dobryanka.
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Permskaya Gres deployed GENESIS32™ Enterprise, WebHMI™ and DataWorX™32 throughout the plant. The GENESIS32 Enterprise system is monitoring and controlling over 11,000 OPC tags. DataWorX™32 is aggregating the data from 3 different OPC servers and delivering the data in real time to the ICONICS TrendWorX™32 and AlarmWorX™32 modules of GENESIS32. WebHMI™ from ICONICS also plays a critical role in the application. There are several remote monitoring stations in buildings 500-700 meters apart and WebHMI is used to allow the remote secure access. The list of WebHMI users range from senior machine operators in the power generating units to shift supervisors, department chiefs and engineers performing research in the laboratories.
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Complete aggregation from multiple control systems
Whole new level of visualization to real-time information
Secure, real-time data to remote users
2x cost savings for just the development by selecting ICONICS
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