ICONICS Case Studies Customer Success Story: E.ON Trend s.r.o.
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Customer Success Story: E.ON Trend s.r.o.

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Middleware, SDKs & Libraries
Functional Applications - Remote Monitoring & Control Systems
Logistics & Transportation
Energy Management System
Predictive Maintenance
Remote Asset Management
System Integration
E.ON Trend s.r.o., a subsidiary of the global power and gas company E.ON, is responsible for electricity generation and heat production and distribution mainly for households in the Czech Republic. The company operates six hydro-powered electrical plants with a total output of 30 MW. These plants are monitored and controlled by a central control station located up to 100km away. E.ON was looking for a solution to replace the Promotic Microsys system, with requirements for data redundancy, real-time alarm notification, and superior graphics. They needed to centrally monitor and control their remote hydro power plants and bring all power generation together.
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E.ON Trend s.r.o. is a subsidiary of E.ON, a worldwide power and gas company based in Germany with subsidiaries throughout Europe, Russia, and North America. E.ON Trend s.r.o. is responsible for electricity generation and heat production and distribution mainly for households within E.ON’s energy group in the Czech Republic. The company operates six hydro-powered electrical plants with a total output of 30 MW. These plants are monitored and controlled by a central control station located up to 100km away.
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ICONICS provided a visualization and automation solution to E.ON’s hydro-powered electrical plants. The GENESIS32™ V9 software was used in a redundant fashion with multiple operator stations. AlarmWorX™32, GraphWorX™32, TrendWorX™32, ScriptWorX™32, and DataWorX™32 were all used to bring this application together. E.ON management takes advantage of native remote access via WebHMI™. The SOAP/XML communication protocol was used to meet E.ON’s strict IT security policies. Bohemia Instruments a.s., later Invelt - elektro s.r.o., in Plzen, Czech Republic, were the system integrators at the helm in getting the E.ON project up and running. Invelt integrated the remote plants and brought all data to one central command center in only six months time.
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Data is communicated to the central command center via E.ON’s optical network. GENESIS32 works as a data acquisition and logger for all turbines. At the core of the system, two GENESIS32 servers work redundantly with DataWorX32. OPC servers are used for gathering the data from SAIA PLCs. GENESIS32 is responsible for the monitoring, alarming, and supervisory control for over 5,000 analog and digital points.
The custom graphic screens allow operators to monitor all locations and drill into problems requiring attention quickly and easily. Alarms can be acknowledged and logged, and set-point changes can be made in a secure and accurate manner. The command center was designed with four GENESIS32 operator stations connected to the pair of redundant GENESIS32 application servers.
DataWorX32 plays a critical role in this application by providing real-time OPC redundancy to keep E.ON power plants up and running. ICONICS was selected for this project due to its ability to provide this needed level of redundancy.
Over 5,000 I/O points monitored and logged from multiple locations
30 MW output spread over the remote hydro plants through the Czech Republic
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