Azuga Case Studies Customer Success Story : CG Appliance Express
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Customer Success Story : CG Appliance Express

Sensors - GPS
Logistics & Transportation
Fleet Management
Vehicle Telematics
System Integration
Chris Parisis, President of CG Appliance Express, noticed that his sales department spent quite a lot of time tracking down drivers by calling them and asking for their current location and ETA to their next customer. This was unproductive phone tag for both sales people and drivers. Chris was also very interested in avoiding down time on his vehicles by planning vehicle maintenance schedules based on accrued mileage and proactively responding to engine alerts. Chris was very familiar with the traditional, installed ‘Black Box’ GPS systems available on the market. However, they didn’t provide the accurate data that he needed to make informed business and vehicle maintenance decisions. As an example, they provided speeding alerts but they didn’t tell him how much above the speed limit the drivers went, for how long they were above the limit, and other critical driver behavior information on hard braking and sudden acceleration. These details were important for Chris to get a solid discount from his insurance provider. In addition, since traditional systems depended entirely on GPS to get speed information and did some fancy math to calculate idling times, Chris couldn’t count on that data for accurately determining idling time. With the EPA stepping up on idling regulations, Chris wanted to make sure he had a very accurate idle time measurement solution.
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Since 1956, CG Appliance Express has become the premier place to shop for appliances and commercial laundry in the San Francisco Bay Area. A fleet of custom install trucks makes 1,000s of professional delivery and installation calls each week in the Bay Area. CG Appliance Express has withstood intense competition from large chain stores and survived the test of time by giving personal service, providing award winning installations, maintaining competitive prices and meeting changing customer needs.
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CG Appliance Express customers are receiving better service. Employees can quickly look at the map and say: “Our driver is on his way and should arrive in about 5 minutes.”
Average delivery times have been reduced.
When customers call for status, they get immediate answers.
Fuel consumption has decreased by 12%
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