FlowForma Case Studies Curing Process Pain Points In Healthcare
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Curing Process Pain Points In Healthcare

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Healthcare & Hospitals
Business Operation
Human Resources
Predictive Maintenance
Remote Patient Monitoring
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
The hospital, a large European healthcare institution, was facing challenges in maintaining high standards of clinical care within financial constraints. The IT team was tasked with enabling clinicians, nurses, and doctors to do their jobs more efficiently. A significant part of this was replacing inefficient paper-based processes. Forms generated at the point of patient care in one part of the hospital needed to be accessed by administration in another, leading to the risk of errors or lost paperwork. The IT team was passionate about digital transformation but was restricted by funding, forcing them to find ways to work around ageing IT systems that were too expensive to replace.
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The customer is a large European healthcare institution that is home to pioneering treatments and has a progressive approach to patient care. With thousands of staff and nearly 1,000 beds, it’s on the frontline of services, providing emergency and acute care services across over 50 medical specialities. Like many state-funded hospitals, the challenge is maintaining the highest standards of clinical care within financial constraints. For the IT team, the goal is to better enable ‘white coats’ – clinicians, nurses, doctors – and help them to do their jobs more efficiently.
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The IT team found a way to digitalize processes and improve patient care by using the FlowForma Process Automation tool to span multiple IT systems. The tool sits on the hospital’s Microsoft SharePoint platform, which is already used extensively by administrators and clinical staff. It has been instrumental in facilitating new ways of working. The tool has been used to speed up processes without having to invest in complex system upgrades. A by-product of the new workflows is clinicians being able to access clinical data, in as close to real time as possible within the current architectural constraints. The IT department hosts monthly meetings with healthcare teams and listens to their needs. They return a month later with an idea for a solution. The business side of the hospital is also kept in the loop because processes have to span the front and back office of the hospital, mirroring patient journeys.
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The hospital has taken significant steps on its mission to digitalize processes that allow clinicians to focus more on patient care.
The electronic forms are easier for clinicians to fill out, freeing them up to spend more time with patients.
The time saved and efficiencies gained have been enormous.
The Waiting List process now takes around 30 seconds for the doctor to fill it in and send to admissions.
Theatre Notes process typically takes around two minutes with a PDF made available in the document repository.
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