IBM Case Studies Creating smarter workplaces with real-time insight from the Internet of Things
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Creating smarter workplaces with real-time insight from the Internet of Things

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
Construction & Infrastructure
Facility Management
Building Automation & Control
Building Energy Management
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
System Integration
Tyréns, a leading multi-disciplinary consultancy in Sweden, wanted to gain a deeper understanding of how people experience and interact with the buildings they live and work in. The company wanted to move beyond intuition and guesswork and base its understanding on hard data. The goal was to answer questions such as 'Why is it too hot on this floor?' and 'How many people actually use this 12-person meeting room?' in order to help clients make smarter management and maintenance decisions. The company chose its Stockholm headquarters as the first project for creating a smarter building.
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Tyréns AB is one of Sweden’s leading multi-disciplinary consultancies, specializing in solutions that promote sustainable development. The company operates from 30 offices across Sweden, and also has offices in Copenhagen, London and Tartu. It employs more than 1,300 people. Through its work, Tyréns strives to create better, safer and more sustainable communities. To help achieve this objective, the company wanted to gain a deeper understanding of how people experience and interact with the buildings they live and work in. It also wanted to find an easy way to share this insight with clients such as architects, building managers and owners.
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Tyréns worked with IBM and other partners to create a building information model (BIM) using Autodesk Revit. This model contained a detailed 3D representation of every room in the building, as well as its furniture, lighting and heating systems. This asset hierarchy was loaded into the company’s IBM Maximo Asset Management system. Tyréns then installed 1,000 Internet-connected sensors throughout the building and registered their locations in the BIM and Maximo systems. IBM MessageSight allows these sensors to send real-time information about everything from temperature and humidity to light, power usage and movement. By plotting the sensor data in the BIM, Tyréns can easily visualize exactly what is going on in every part of its building, in real time, 24 hours a day.
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The building information model (BIM) user interface is very easy to use and requires no technical expertise. This means that every member of staff, from cleaners and receptionists to accountants, can easily access and understand the model, and make data-driven decisions.
The solution provides real-life analysis of how people actually use buildings, helping to answer questions such as 'Why is it too hot on this floor?' and 'How many people actually use this 12-person meeting room?'
The solution helps Tyréns make smarter decisions about every aspect of building management.
1,000 sensors were installed and mapped to assets in less than four hours
The number of restroom-related helpdesk calls fell from two per week to just one call in six months
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