Agworld Case Studies Creating Accurate Records
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Creating Accurate Records

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Logistics & Transportation
Quality Assurance
Farm Monitoring & Precision Farming
Supply Chain Visibility
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Cavaso Farming Partnership, a family-run farming operation in Australia, needed a simple and efficient way to create records of the spraying operations that take place in each individual crop and field. This was particularly important for their prune crops, which are subject to food certification requirements. They needed to be able to supply accurate records of exactly what inputs have been applied at any given time during the season. The family was looking to digitize and simplify their record-keeping process, which was previously done through hand-written books and piecing together various data.
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Cavaso Farming Partnership is a family-run farming operation located on the banks of the Murrumbidgee river at Darlington Point in the Riverina district of western New South Wales, Australia. The Toscan family, which runs the partnership, grows a variety of crops on their 4200-hectare enterprise. They have 170 hectares of prunes planted and use the rest for growing row crops. In an average year, they grow 1200 hectares of irrigated cotton, 100 hectares of irrigated maize, 1200 hectares of irrigated durum, and a few other smaller crops. The farm features siphon as well as bankless irrigation and employs minimum till and controlled traffic approaches wherever possible. The Toscan family was named the Monsanto cotton grower of the year in 2017 for their impressive yields and their Integrated Pest Management strategy.
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The Toscan family adopted Agworld, a cloud-based platform for their in-field record keeping. Their agronomist, Allan Jones with Agronomic Business Solutions (ABS), was already using Agworld for his planning and recommendations. By using Agworld, the Toscan family was able to utilize the data already entered by their agronomist, saving a lot of time. They now have an accurate set of records available of all inputs applied during the season, which they can utilize for a number of different purposes. The employees of Cavaso Farming are also given access to Agworld, allowing them to see what has been done in each field and what they have to look out for. They are also able to enter information or convert recommendations to actuals within Agworld.
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The Toscan family is able to save time on their data entry and reporting.
They have peace of mind that they have accurate records available whenever these are required from them.
The employees of Cavaso Farming are able to see what has been done in each field and what they have to look out for.
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