Measurabl Case Studies Corestate Capital: Establishing a baseline to launch ambitious ESG initiatives and prepare for what’s ahead
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Corestate Capital: Establishing a baseline to launch ambitious ESG initiatives and prepare for what’s ahead

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Business Operation
Energy Management System
Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Data Science Services
Corestate Capital Group, a Luxembourg-based integrated investment manager, recognized the importance of ESG (environmental, social, governance) principles in driving the future of real estate. The company predicted that the pressure to report ESG performance and meet certain standards would soon be driven not only by investors, but also by regulators in Europe. However, Corestate lacked the necessary data to start implementing and scaling its ESG efforts. The company needed a solution that would offer quick and reliable access to quality ESG data. The challenge was to find a technology that could help them understand the energy usage and carbon intensities of their assets to lay the groundwork for an actual strategy.
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Corestate Capital Group is a Luxembourg-based integrated investment manager that covers the entire lifecycle of an investment. The company develops innovative, sustainable, and profitable investment solutions for its clients. Corestate combines its years of real estate expertise, market knowledge, and consideration of mega trends—including ESG (environmental, social, governance) principles—to achieve optimal performance and sustainable returns for its customers. Corestate has 28 billion Euro worth of assets under management, employs more than 800 real estate experts, and services nearly 700,00 retail clients.
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Corestate began using Measurabl primarily to collect and centralize ESG data. This allowed the team to analyze which of its buildings were outperforming others, and which ones needed to improve in terms of energy and water usage and carbon output. Viewing all of its available utility data in one central platform also gave Corestate the ability to understand its current data coverage so it could work to fill the gaps. The platform’s user-friendly interface allowed Corestate to easily onboard employees from different sides of the business, including transaction teams, asset managers, and sustainability experts. Users had access to the same data no matter where they were located, which was critical for encouraging disparate groups to work toward company-wide sustainability goals.
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Central to Corestate’s sustainability efforts is the goal of being more transparent with its internal and external stakeholders, customers, and investors. Measurabl has helped Corestate work toward this imperative in a number of ways.
In its first ESG report, published in 2019, Corestate set forth a number of ambitious sustainability targets. Pulling data from Measurabl, Corestate published its second ESG report in 2020 to track its progress and bring awareness to the company’s commitment to improving its practices and policies, making the information more useful and accessible to stakeholders.
Corestate also used Measurabl’s ESG reporting tool to report to GRESB for the first time in 2020. In addition to reporting, Measurabl has allowed Corestate to establish a baseline so the team can identify areas of improvement and develop a strategy to optimize the ESG performance of its assets under management.
12% reduction in CO2 emissions in 2019 over 2018 levels
10% reduction in energy use in a single year
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